Recent content by seek

  1. S

    622 UHF remote, control TV1 functions?

    In the settings you can change the #1 t.v to use a uhf pro setup which will allow you to use a uhf remote to controll t.v 1. I think this may answer you question maby im reading it wrong anyhoo hope it helps. If this is what you are trying to do I can provide the steps to make this happen.
  2. S

    Help! looking for advice

    There are several options here. You could probably get dish to upgrade your 811 to a 211 for a nominal fee which may or may not include the upgrade to either a dish 1000 or 1000 + if hd locals are offered in your area. My reccomendation would be to pay dish the 200 $ upgrade for a 622 which...
  3. S

    How do I hook up another receiver?

    There is no easy or cheap way to do this. You will NOT be able to use a seperator to feed to seperate receivers. The way to do this is to change the dp+ lnbf on your 1000 dish to two dpdual lnbfs. You will then need to run all 3 lnbfs seperately into a dp switch either 34 or 44. If you use a 34...
  4. S

    Distributing TV2 signal throughout house - Is it possible?

    woops dident bring up the correct diagram. From that screen go to install then images and wiring diagrams. Then select dpp w/diplexers from the drop down menu. Sorry bout that but that should help.
  5. S

    Distributing TV2 signal throughout house - Is it possible?

    heres a diagram showing how to use diplexers to feed secondary feed to multiple tv 2 locations.
  6. S

    NOW I know why people cancel Dish Network - VERY VERY HORRIBLE service and screwups !

    Im sorry for the experiance you have had with dish network. Dealing with any large company can be a pain in the butt and this will go for dealing with direct tv as well..The quick and easy solution to this problem is when deciding on ordering a dish check for local retailers in your area. Most...
  7. S

    Dumb questions about Dish

    Why not give one of your local dish retailers a chance to to explain your questions and to do your install. I think you will be pleasantly suprised by the service and information you can get from a local person.
  8. S

    I feel like I'm being scammed

    In order to receive the new voom and dish hd channels you must have a mpeg 4 compliant reciever i.e 211 or 622. You will also need a dish 1000 in order to pick up these channels from the 129 bird. If your in the select hd local areas you also would be eligible for a dish 1000+ set up. This...
  9. S

    Help needed: Intermittent reception on certain Sat/Transponder

    Im a little confused by your service guys request to move the dish. From the check switch screen and the signal strength screenshots you provided I would be very suprised for it to be a los issue. However, if when checking the 119 signal you are getting wild fluctuations of signal then this...
  10. S

    Help needed: Intermittent reception on certain Sat/Transponder

    Since dish network changed the compression from mpeg2 to mpeg 4 i have noticed this problem. It could possibly be a bad fitting(the metal connector on the end of a coaxial) or even a damaged line. However in 90% of the cases of this very same problem the problem is with the 119 lnbf. Hope...