Recent content by Sapient

  1. S

    RG6 Cabling Requirements for Hopper vs DPP

    Thanks. That info is helpful (or will be once I take a closer look at what nodes I have and where). But what I am most curious about is whether having 6 feet of RG6 (or maybe even rg59?) connected to whatever it is the installers are using will work. All of the cable is easy to replace except...
  2. S

    RG6 Cabling Requirements for Hopper vs DPP

    I had a Hopper and Joey set up yesterday. They ran new cable on the outside of my house. This was OK, as we were able to enter the house with the air conditioner piping hole and everything was hidden well. But to get to my upstairs rooms, where I may want to add some joeys, I would have to...
  3. S

    QUESTION - What Bugs or Usability Issues do you have with your Hopper?

    I use the DishNetwork wifi adapter. On occasion my wifi signal drops out for a second. After this happens, the Hopper does not reconnect to my wifi. I have to manually re-select the router in the Hopper's broadband menu and reenter the password. (And yes, I know the wifi signal problem is...
  4. S

    Service Restored to 129 Satellite!

    While not the biggest deal in the world, I'm sure there are many like me who rely on their DVR to record their shows. I'm sure that for the few who monitor dish network news and participate in regular conversation on a forum like this one were on top of the situation. I'd imagine that most...
  5. S

    Is It A Bad Thing That ScoBuck Is So Quiet?

    Agreed. "Almost every" is not the same as "every". It is just short of it.
  6. S

    Is It A Bad Thing That ScoBuck Is So Quiet?

    LOL! No. I'm glad D* has new channels. I want them to get as many as they can. Either this will pressure E* to do the same, or I have a better option I can switch to. Either way, improvements at D* are better for me than if D*'s HD lineup were static. I was just offering a suggesting...
  7. S

    Is It A Bad Thing That ScoBuck Is So Quiet?

    I guess I would still say that "almost every week" is almost "every week. Regardless, I would also say that one week out of six is neither every week nor almost every week.
  8. S

    Is It A Bad Thing That ScoBuck Is So Quiet?

    The post in question was made on 9/30, so channels added on 9/26 do not count. The average since that prediction was made is 5.8, with only one week out of 6 being in the 10-15 range.
  9. S

    Is It A Bad Thing That ScoBuck Is So Quiet?

    Almost every week and every week are not close to each other? They are almost the same. That is what almost means. And no, I did not forget to quote other things from you. I brought up the claim I wanted to discuss.
  10. S

    Will the VOOM channels exist in a few years?

    So all non-premium HD channels at D* have to purchased as a package, just like the all the non-premium HD channels at E*, including Voom. Or are you claiming that I could pick and choose only the HD channels I wanted at D*? Could I, for example, get SciFi and Discovery, but not Food or...
  11. S

    Is It A Bad Thing That ScoBuck Is So Quiet?

    Indeed. Also "10-15". Pardon my paraphrasing.
  12. S

    About the Voom Channels, Seriously

    The content is NOT exactly the same. The visuals are a part of the content. Change the visuals, you change the content. Movies in HD are far closer to the original than the same movie in SD. I won't watch movies in SD on TV (though I will watch upscaled DVD's). The content is changed too...
  13. S

    Is It A Bad Thing That ScoBuck Is So Quiet?
  14. S

    About the Voom Channels, Seriously

    Who said it was not a yes or no question? If you would just read what people say, you would not have this confusion. Why do I "infer" the OP is trying to draw a conclusion about content? Because he says so. Here is the question, with the the next sentence included. "Would you folks...
  15. S

    Is It A Bad Thing That ScoBuck Is So Quiet?

    :eureka I remember a time when a certain someone was running around the E* forums declaring D* would be adding 10/week, every week.