Recent content by sams0n

  1. S

    HBO Wire

    they probably do that to save money. i think it is cheaper to produce than other hbo shows. probably why shows like carnivale and deadwood havent lasted as long because they have such a high budget.
  2. S

    Which is better Dish or DirecTV??

    if you are looking for HD content, dish is better. but if you just want SD and you can get your hands on a Direc TV TIVO then that might be a better choice because it is much better than the dish dvr.
  3. S

    Second Sporstster just died...

    sirius radios are very unreliable. buy it at costco or so that you can return it whenever it breaks and not have to deal with sirius' crappy warrenty. ive returned my starmate replay three times now. costco is cool because you dont have to return the antenna or power supply, just...
  4. S

    Sirius One

    sounds like it is broken. it should be playing that one weather channel that you hear before you call to connect your unit. You can buy sirius ones on ebay for $17 shipped, they are a great deal. mine has been very reliable.
  5. S

    Upgrading to a 622, should I be worried?

    never had any problems with mine other then having to reset it a couple times a month when it freezes up. hdmi works perfectly for me too. i guess i got a good one.
  6. S

    622 aspect ratio?

    hit the star button on the remote to change it.
  7. S

    Not happy with StarzHD quality

    damn i was pissed last night when Heat was on in 4:3. starz needs to get their sh*t together, that is just pathetic.
  8. S

    Opie & Anthony Will Pick Up More Terrestrial Radio Stations

    the show has been a lot better since they have been on free fm. but only because they have been putting a lot more effort into producing a funny show. the only thing that really sucks are the amount of commercials that they have now.
  9. S

    Opie & Anthony Return to CBS RADIO

    i dont agree, the o and a show is better on testicle radio, they seem to put more effort into their show. they have better guests and spend less time talking about howard and their pest army. the only bad thing is that they have so much more commercials. but they had to take this deal, if...
  10. S

    Stern/CBS Settlement

    i wonder if they will charge extra if they add a 3rd channel?
  11. S

    Sacramento/Stockton/Modesto locals in HD

    why dont we have foxhd yet?
  12. S

    Opie & Anthony Return to CBS RADIO

    o and a are smart enough to not talk about their ages on the air.
  13. S

    What aspect setting are on the 622

    you can hit the star button and it switches between zoom, stretch, partial zoom and normal. i usually keep it on partial zoom most of the time.
  14. S

    Hdmi or standard 2 cables

    get the hdmi, better picture and sound. plus it's nice having 1 cable instead of 5 behind your tv. they are cheap too, you can get one for 6 bucks from
  15. S

    Dish 1000 in Sacramento, CA

    its worked good so far for me, ive only had it like 3 weeks though and it hasnt rained in a while here. i guess i will have to wait another 5 or 6 months before it starts raining again to see how good it is in bad weather.