Recent content by RONZ

  1. RONZ

    CW moving in 8 locations in September

    WDIV reported this morning that Bally Sports sign a one year contract to keep the Pistons and Red Wings on their channel. It was reported that the agreement was made based on Comcast carrying this channel Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. RONZ

    CW moving in 8 locations in September

    Scripps is looking at trying to make WMYD into a sports station. With the removal of the Pistons from Bally Sports I suspect Scripps is trying to pick that up for WMYD. They already carry Oakland. LTU and a few other colleges in the area for football and Basketball. Sent from my iPhone using...
  3. RONZ

    CW moving in 8 locations in September

    CW in Detroit will go back to WKBD where it was originally at Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. RONZ

    CW moving in 8 locations in September

    Here is a update on the Detroit situation Looks like WADL was sold
  5. RONZ

    CW moving in 8 locations in September

    I would be surprised if Detroit gets a affiliate since it’s been on 3 stations with a year Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. RONZ

    Tablo information

    If you wait a little Tablo will be releasing their Next Gen receiver soon which should help with reception Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. RONZ

    WCMU Fire

    The second station in 5 years in the Traverse City Market burns to the ground. The transmitter is located near Atlanta Mi and served upper central and eastern northern Mi. It is expected to be rebuilt and back on the air in a few months channel 6 PSIR RF 24 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. RONZ

    Specific antenna question for Detroit area locals

    CBET’s transmitter is in McGreger ON Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. RONZ

    ATSC 3.0 DRM Encryption

    No box required Keyfax was a feed that WFLD received a data stream and sent the information out on a reader board over the air. A lot of stations did this because it was easier to keep the signal up all night as to pay an Engineer to shut the signal down. It was not available 24/7 in the market...
  10. RONZ

    ATSC 3.0 DRM Encryption

    Not sure about that. Chicago had three over the air subscription TV channels: 1 ON-TV which was carried on WSNS ch 44 which was owned by Video 44 at that time. 2 Spectrum which was carried on WFBN ch 68 owner by Focus 3 Sports Vision which was carried on WPWR ch 60 Now I know in the late 60’s...
  11. RONZ

    ATSC 3.0 DRM Encryption

    Wow I did not know that WPSG had both select TV and then prism. As a collector of old over the air boxes the encryption were somewhat different. prism used the Blonder Tong design similar to ON-TV’s Select Tv ‘s had a tag pulse that did video invert similar to Zenith Sent from my iPhone using...
  12. RONZ

    ATSC 3.0 DRM Encryption

    I always through that MSG came from over the air broadcast Prism. This equipment was a microwave feed to the cable company blocking other providers from carrying it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. RONZ

    ATSC 3.0 DRM Encryption

    Hello, I don’t think DRM is set up to be a subscription TV service. The concern is copyrights For example if I DVR’ed a moving say on CBS. Then the local station has the right to delete it at any time. DRM is also used for copyrighted game and music. For example if you read the terms and...
  14. RONZ

    Eight CBS-owned The CW affiliates to become independent stations in September 2023

    Honestly being in that area since 1985 I do not remember it being on the air. Though it was ID on Fox 33 back then. Today the main channels you get with 30 feet tower is ch 11, ch 6 and ch 4 when conditions are good. Remember ch 45 analog was on the air a while before 9/10 bought it out. Then...
  15. RONZ

    Eight CBS-owned The CW affiliates to become independent stations in September 2023

    Looking at their streaming services now I see both TC and Alpena channels on Roku. Not sure where you’re getting your info from. I have a place in this market Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk