Recent content by roashru

  1. R

    WOW 180 Miles

    my antenna dose 120 miles all the time. but its 300 ohm jax, tampa. local antenna farm bithlo, fl
  2. R

    75 ohm Antennas

    your close and no anger biker man a yagi is not 75 ohm
  3. R

    75 ohm Antennas

    what more, i know radio - mfj
  4. R

    75 ohm Antennas

    picture is a made 50 ohm dipole with a ground plane made for microwave frequencies. the only difference in tv is length of the main antenna. then there is the coax velocity factor.
  5. R

    75 ohm Antennas

    hello everyone, this post is all about 75 ohm antennas if you dont know what a real 75 ohm antenna is please dont make a comment. no transformers are used.
  6. R

    atsc antenna

    subject destroyed by ignorance and anger.
  7. R

    atsc antenna

    why are forum posters like that allowed here. terrible
  8. R

    atsc antenna

    if you dont have any relevant info about the subject please stop
  9. R

    atsc antenna

    what again? i was talking about the master antenna cable in the comments. please stop
  10. R

    atsc antenna

    what, ever herd of a 75 ohm dc block? please no anger
  11. R

    atsc antenna

    300 ohm is still used the needed 300 ohm transformer proves comments are wrong. use of 75 ohm needs electricity.
  12. R

    atsc antenna

    new post because of off topic tech. first, there is no such thing as a hd antenna. regardless what people tell you 300 ohm twin lead is not dead at all they are miss informed. coax is better for electrical noisy environments (shielded wire) only. twin lead wire is better than coax if electrical...
  13. R

    New to OTA, looking for advice

    i did a post here back in the day on multiple antennas you will need a combiner or use ultra low loss 300 ohm wire connected correctly then run the coax. as for vhf uhf sometimes i skip the vhf if there is not enough stations to justify a combo antenna purchase and get a bigger than needed uhf...
  14. R

    Off-Air subject based TV networks

    hello everyone, been long time since posted. i have noticed air tv programing is starting to look like basic cable/sat same type subject grouped to a channel. is there a list of current subject based off-air networks. if this keeps up even people that must have basic cable /sat programing will...
  15. R

    rad shack stock

    digital ota traffic may now be low but please dont forget.