Recent content by riverbendgeorgia

  1. R

    Can I get my locals (Savannah GA) and the New York Networks?

    SAVANNAH ABC-WJCL (LOCALS) 22 7480 SAVANNAH CBS-WTOC (LOCALS) 11 7481 SAVANNAH FOX-WTGS (LOCALS) 28 7483 SAVANNAH NBC-WSAV (LOCALS) 3 7482 SAVANNAH PBS - WVAN (LOCALS) 9 7486 SAVANNAH UPN - WGSA (LOCALS) 34 7485 Looks like they do not offer any of the distants in addition to...
  2. R

    Can I get my locals (Savannah GA) and the New York Networks?

    I know I can get locals now in Savannah Ga on the Superdish on the 105 sattalite. Is there an option of also picking up the New York Networks (ABC, CBS, NBC and FOX) on the 110 and 119 satalites. I am willing to pay extra to be able to watch the NY news, as this is where I grew up. Are...
  3. R

    Can I get 105 without a super dish????

    THanks for the replys, I was afraid of that. Looks like the super dish is the only way to go. Not sure I want to tie myself down for another year just to get the Savannah locals. I may hold out and see what D* has to offer when they start locals in Savannah in March. Also in Savannah...
  4. R

    Two 508s - How to keep the remote signals seperate??

    IF you have two 508s or a 508 and a 510, how do you keep the platnium remotes from controling both receivers at the same time on UHF. I have platnium remotes on my current 508 and am looking to add a 510 in the future. Thanks
  5. R

    Can I get 105 without a super dish????

    I have a dish pro 500 right now picking up 110 and 119. Dish just added Savannah Ga on 105. Is it possible to add a second dish just to pick up 105 and use a DP34 to switch the 3 incoming signals. Or is getting the huge superdish the only way to get locals here. Thanks