Recent content by RBBrittain

  1. RBBrittain

    Receiced my converter box "coupons" on 2/28

    In addition, the PDF manual for the Insignia specifically states that universal remotes should be programmed with "the manufacturer codes for LG or Zenith" (page 3 as printed, page 5 of PDF). So the Insignia is definitely a rebranded Zenith; LG isn't selling any boxes under its own name. I...
  2. RBBrittain

    SatelliteGuys.US DishNetwork Uplink Activity Report - Week Ending 03/24/2007

    If any HD channel were changed to 180i (that's less than half the resolution of SD), I wouldn't go to a board; I'd call my state's attorney general. Perhaps you meant 1080i?
  3. RBBrittain

    Uplink Report for Wednesday August 23rd

    Fort Smith/Fayetteville, AR. Comes from the decoupling effective today of KFTA (now a Fox affiliate) and KNWA (which retained the NBC affiliation). Originally KNWA (as KFAA) was a satellite of KFTA (as KPOM), but after Nexstar bought the stations in 2004 they made KNWA the main station...
  4. RBBrittain

    WB and UPN HD

    What type of UPN/WB in HD are you referring to? If you're talking locals (LIL), it depends on the market. Whenever Little Rock gets HD LIL, the local UPN/CW station (the second OTA HD station on the market, after its sister the Fox affiliate) is almost certain to be there; but WB/MNTV isn't on...
  5. RBBrittain

    Seattle HD from Alaska?

    Under SHVERA, E* is required to assign every part of Alaska to one of the state's DMAs, even if Nielsen doesn't. So your only legal option is for E* to offer you locals from Alaska (probably Anchorage as you suggested). A side effect is that the same law also sets a deadline for E* to offer...
  6. RBBrittain


    Comcast's HD lineup in Little Rock, AR (including North Little Rock, Sherwood, Jacksonville and Bryant): 202 ESPN HD 204 TNT HD 205 Discovery HD 206 INHD 207 INHD2 215 HBO HD East (mirrored at 300) 219 Cinemax HD East (mirrored at 319) 223 Showtime HD East (mirrored at 339) 227 Starz...
  7. RBBrittain

    522 to 622 any deals??

    Yep, the only way to get a 622 is to fork over $299 for the privilege of leasing. I was also a 522 customer, but unlike you, I had Comcast as an option; even my E* retention rep couldn't budge on the $299, though she was willing to give me a 211 (HD non-DVR). And D* charges even more for...
  8. RBBrittain

    Dish DVR and DSL

    My old 522 setup was similar to Allin4greeN's except my DSL filter was between the two duplex jacks. In fact, the phone lines are still there, including the 25' run (thru a groove under my front door) to where the 522 was. I had no connection problems at all.
  9. RBBrittain

    Tonight & The Rest of the Echostar X Moving Schedule

    I don't know if (a) you're scanning from a FTA receiver, (b) you're in a fringe area of the Springfield DMA, or (c) you "moved" to Springfield. I don't know about (a), but if you were subscribed to Springfield locals, they should have appeared automatically; the new Little Rock spotbeam did on...
  10. RBBrittain

    Dish 921

    True; that's why I went to Comcast. Is that perhaps why D* still charges more for their HD DVRs (even the non-Tivo ones), even though they're not MPEG-4 yet? Why can't E* do something like this for their existing customers? (Oh, I forget: E* hardly did ANYTHING for their existing...
  11. RBBrittain

    Leaving E* for Comcast

    As someone else in this thread said, different strokes... I even told my E* retention rep that I knew E* had more HD channels than Comcast. (I already wish I had Universal HD, if only for HD "Law & Order" reruns; I watch a lot of those on USA, especially SVU and lately CI.) But one of the...
  12. RBBrittain

    Leaving E* for Comcast

    SD PQ alone wasn't the issue for me; it was the $299 upgrade fee and the lack of HD locals, especially since I can't get ABC in HD OTA here. (BTW, Comcast does have Little Rock NBC in HD now; they just haven't put it in the lineup yet.) HD locals solves my biggest PQ problem with...
  13. RBBrittain

    Leaving E* for Comcast

    Well, less than a week after testing signal strength for the Little Rock switchover to E*10, I'm leaving SBC/AT&T Dish; my Comcast install is tomorrow morning. I'm not that dissatisfied with E*, but I just upgraded from a 13" TV to a 27" HDTV; that obviously made E*'s PQ issues noticeable...
  14. RBBrittain

    Uplink activity for the week of April 19th 2006

    I wonder how the Little Rock move affected subscribers in outlying DMAs that receive KETS (Little Rock PBS/AETN) as a statewide channel. I don't believe the entire state can see 110 TP 18 spotbeam 15 (though I think the Arkansas areas of Shreveport, Monroe-El Dorado and Greenwood-Greenville...
  15. RBBrittain

    Could use some help in a choice...

    I think the confusion here is that most of you assume he still needs the FSS feed (105 or 121) on the SuperDish; but he may well be in a market where LIL has been moved from FSS to E*10. If so, the installer could manually aim the SuperDish at 129 (it needs to be manual because a SuperDish aims...