Recent content by raoul5788

  1. raoul5788

    HR20 recievers

    I have an H20 around here somewhere. I'll try to check it tomorrow.
  2. raoul5788

    HR20 recievers

    The H/HR20s are the ones with the Zenith tuners and I think work without being authorized.
  3. raoul5788

    HR20 recievers

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the OTA tuner work even if the box wasn't authorized? They had excellent gen 5 Zenith tuners in them.
  4. raoul5788

    Site is slooooow

    How about setting up a targeted fund to pay for it? I'm happy to contribute.
  5. raoul5788

    MLB 2024 Season

    Which Mickey with no power?
  6. raoul5788

    I just got DirecTV satellite. What should I expect?

    Maybe the processing ability of the HR54.
  7. raoul5788

    Two instances of the same thread

    Highly unlikely as the two posts were timestamped two minutes apart.
  8. raoul5788

    Attempting to change my Grid Square...

    I have no idea what you are talking about. Can you explain any further?
  9. raoul5788

    Embedded YouTube Video Player Broken

    Then perhaps you should do something about that.
  10. raoul5788

    Embedded YouTube Video Player Broken

    I've never cleared my SG cookies and have never had any issues.
  11. raoul5788

    "1080i Not Supported"

    Is it a K65XR70?
  12. raoul5788

    "1080i Not Supported"

    What's the model # of the TV?
  13. raoul5788

    Lost Local DTV Channels Zip 44060 771

    It looks like your locals are on 103s transponders 17 and 18. Check YouTube for videos that show how to adjust your dish.