Recent content by Rage17

  1. R

    CBS Sports

    2 streams is weak for DTV. As for PS Vue,, the Roku interface sucks and the restrictions of the home network is because they allow 5 streams, not 4, not 3, not 2, lol. As for only streams I think I may have a way around that. For TVs over 2 feeds use the channel app to stream like ESPN to Go...
  2. R

    The YouTube TV Thread

    About Roku, PS Vue has a sh!tty app on it and Hulu Live is not available yet so that's just bad business. PS Vue offers decent packages but with the lousy Roku App and no History, it can be beat. My pick to win is DTV Now which I see myself buying one day when football can be DVR. YouTube...
  3. R

    CBS Sports

    UGH! No Navy game this weekend! Been waiting and waiting for this channel and now no game this weekend.
  4. R

    Programming Thoughts/Rant

    Cable is not a bad deal if you want TV year round in my case, however I only want it for college football season then get rid of it for months. Internet service is very limited so my internet is through cable and it's like 6X.XX per month with renting the router. And they also limit me to 25MPS...
  5. R

    The PlayStation Vue Thread

    Well, Go Navy! Kind of pissed that last week's Navy game wasn't on demand.
  6. R

    CBS Sports

    Has been added to PS Vue. Woot! I guess Hulu took too long to go live with Roku as now I don't give a big hoot since this has been added.
  7. R

    Programming Thoughts/Rant

    Did you notice that almost all providers have a channel or channels that you like but are not available with only one service? For example, Discovery is missing from Sling, Hulu Live, YouTube, and a few others. A&E and History are missing from PS Vue, YouTube etc. So many miss either Discovery...
  8. R

    Hulu Live For Roku

    Also, anybody here have a connection to get me the Beta for Roku?
  9. R

    AT&T Sportsnet

    The only problem I see is that cable charges 5 per month for it and also there's the Penguins. I only carry Net TV for college football season but if I get the Pens then more likely to keep it longer. So Sept til the bowl games are over then a month for Memorial Day to watch TCM to watch war flicks.
  10. R

    Portable Police Scanner

    I doubt if that cheap of a radio will have CTCSS. What it is is a tone code for "privacy" on a shared frequency. For example, both a county fire ops channel and a local township works use the same freq but will have a different P/L code. So if you program the CTCSS code of the fire ops then...
  11. R

    Police Scanner info

    I'm not familiar with ARMER but a digital radio will cost a good 400-500 dollars. Try a scanner app and see if you can hear them via streaming over the net. If so, then you know a scanner will work then you need to research the correct models that will work. I've been in the hobby for decades...
  12. R

    AT&T Sportsnet

    I was at moms and she has cable and I noticed that my RSN Root (Pittsburgh) is now AT&T Sportsnet so I assume it will come to DTV Now soon? Strong assumption or no chance?
  13. R

    Pac-12 Network Free Preview on SlingTV

    I have Orange + Sports so Hope I get it after free preview. I think I did last year
  14. R

    DirecTV Now strikes deal with CBS for more streaming programming

    I have PS Vue and Sling but DTV Now is well rounded but I assume no DVR yet for Roku and Boomerang is in their most exspensive package Grrrrrr