Recent content by pzy

  1. P

    It begins...

    That's great info, thanks! I'll definitely do the string test. The included instructions are comically bad. They do mention something about possible rod misalignment and having to move them, but the instructions are a one-sided sheet of paper that points you to a thread on tvrosat for...
  2. P

    It begins...

    Took a chance on a new one from eBay: 300cm (10ft) C/Ku-Band Prime Focus Mesh Satellite Dish (2018 Model) 9834285946170 | eBay Came shipped from Canada via Purolator. Probably Tek2000? I don't really know much about them. They accepted a lower offer, and I used a 15% coupon active that day, so...
  3. P

    It begins...

    AKA "what have I gotten myself into"