Recent content by Purrfect

  1. P

    Wanted: fixed pole mounting accessory for an Orbitron SX-8.5

    Thanks for the heartly welcome, your hints and informations. :) I'm glad to be here. Mesh antennas have always been very seldom in Germany as almost all channels here use Ku-band and dishes larger than 90cm are rarely used and hard to find. As my wife is a Filipina I try my best to catch...
  2. P

    Wanted: fixed pole mounting accessory for an Orbitron SX-8.5

    Hi! I hope someone out here might be able to help. I'm looking forward to being able to buy an used Orbitron SX-8.5 dish but unfortunately its lacking the part needed for attaching the spinclination mount tube to a vertical pole. I don't need to be able to turn the dish (like Polarmount or...