Recent content by orcatek

  1. orcatek

    Why 1080p?

    True (not up converted) 1080P will be better for sports or other high motion stuff. Interlace is fine for low motion. Thats why we want 1080P.
  2. orcatek

    An update from Scott at CES

    720p or 1080i, forget them both. After seeing 1080p at the show, the both look bad. 720p due to lower resolution, and 1080i due to interlace artifacts in high motion. 1080p address both.
  3. orcatek

    Post your VOOM Activation Stories here

    I called around 8 AM Pacific time. Asked them to turn on VOOM. They asked how many dishes - I said two one at 61.5. They said just a minute. Hold for a minute or so. Came back and told me since I paid annual for my HD pack they would have to cancel the annual subscription to add VOOM. I...
  4. orcatek

    So I just read the 942 review on dbstalk...

    Software bugs are a way of life. Get used to it. No matter how much testing is done - bugs will still be found later. I've seen updates to software on simple little MP3 players due to bugs. What does a MP3 player need to do. Not much. Funny thing is I read about the fixes and think...
  5. orcatek

    1000+ HD Chanels on D*, any E* rumors

    Thanks for the link - didn't see it because the topic didn't have HD in it. Still no real answers yet. :mad:
  6. orcatek

    1000+ HD Chanels on D*, any E* rumors

    Saw an ad for D* last night and could hardly believe my ears. They said with their two new sats going up this year they will be able to provide 1300 or 1500 HD channels (can remember which it was). Wow that's alot of stuff, I assume most is locals. Must be mpeg4 letting them get more...
  7. orcatek

    How many trees can a satellite signal handle?

    Also consider that the dish is not pointing directly at the Sat. so to speak. The dish appears to be pointing lower than it is. The angle of reflection of the signal of the dish means that the Sat. is actually higher in the sky than it looks when you look at the dish. So you the trees may...
  8. orcatek

    New Software for 501, 508, 510

    My thought is it lets installers call in to start activation while the receiver is still coming up.
  9. orcatek

    Anybody gotten a 921 lately???

    Guess that 2 lets them say they are shipping again. Hopefully we will see real number soon. About 3 weeks ago the E* HDTV trailer/roadshow was in town. I asked about getting a 921. They said they would call me when they had some. I'm sure they just lost my name LOL.
  10. orcatek

    Food For Thought...

    If E* were to acquire Voom, they could easily replace all the Voom receivers with E* units. The numbe is not that large.
  11. orcatek

    Why do we stay with Dishnetwork????

    D* can't give me the channels I have now - so its no contest. I've been around close to 8 years (maybe longer - signed up when the 4000 was released). My 6000, 501, 301 all work pretty darn well. Used to want a 921 - now I'm on a wait and see.
  12. orcatek

    EchoStar dealt blow by U.S. House Panel Bill barring two dishes

    Maybe E* could start a crawler on all the stations is split areas stating Congress wants us to take away your locals. If we have to use one dish we will be forced to drop your locals from our service. That should get some people calling and writing.
  13. orcatek

    has anyone switched from cable to dish and been happy they did?

    I left cox cable years ago for dish. My neighbor just got the fake digital cable (not all channels are really digital). Well the non-digital channels are a joke. Oh - you want the clear channels on another TV, pay for another box. PVR pay somemore. HD PVR - they don't have one.
  14. orcatek

    Anyone know why the guide is messed up?

    My 301 has been doing it to. If you scroll forward several hours you will find guide data. Then when you scroll back the missing data starts to show. You never get a downloading guide message, and the whole process takes 2-3 seconds. Mine has done this right after it has done a guide...