Recent content by mfrodsha

  1. M

    Would like to hear from the peeps that ENJOY their 921

    I must say, ever since the download of L211, I have spent almost little time on this discussion group. What that tells me is that I am satisfied with the product, in spite of the occasional glitch. Let me add that I still get a "wow" factor feeling when I watch the 921 on HD channels and...
  2. M

    Can anyone point me to PIP information?

    The Dish guide is useless on how to change PIP channels. Personally, I can't figure it out. THe only PIP picture I get is the Dish 100 channel of information. How do you get the different PIP channels? Advice anyone? Is there a link someone can point me to on more specific information...
  3. M

    What new HD programming can we expect?

    Do you really think it's a bandwidth problem? In other words, is it really that 3 HD channels per transponder maxes out the PQ? I haven't noticed any problem with HDNM or HDNET, compared with OTA HD. They seem equivalent when broadcasting a true HD event. I really hope we don't have to move...
  4. M

    What new HD programming can we expect?

    I know Dish's copout answer is "when it is cost effective", and I can appreciate that. But, I am hoping and praying that Dish gets the following soon, if at least for sports reasons: CSTV INHD INHD2 Stars HD Anyone with any inside knowledge on Dish's thinking on these channels? I'd...
  5. M

    Do you use an UPS backup

    So, what sort of Voltage/Wattage So, what sort of Voltage/Wattage minimums are you guys using? I just bought a cheap ($60) UPS with 330 watts, and 550 volts, and it starting giving me warning beeps immediately upon turning up the sound on my DVD movie - and that was even WITH power on (no...
  6. M

    Do you use an UPS backup

    Thanks for the helpful information. Any ideas on how much time I need, minimum, for the battery to last? I know some are rated for 1-2 minutes, while others are closer to a hour. Thanks.
  7. M

    Do you use an UPS backup

    supply with your t.v./921 receiver? I use a high-grade surge protector, but I've had the power go out a few times, and it doesn't make me comfortable. Can you recommend a reasonably priced UPS backup power supply for home entertainment systems? I'd hate for anything else to go wrong with...
  8. M

    921 part of package in future?

    Better not be for free anytime soon, or they're goin' to have lots of 'splaining to do to some very, very irate 921 customers.
  9. M

    Good News about L187 download

    I did a reset NMV, and reset Factory Defaults during the download (I didn't know I had a download going on since no blinking light) and got a black screen with jumbled characters. I turned it off, hoping it was a software download, and left it alone until the morning. In the morning, I...
  10. M

    Are people giving up on the 921?

    There are basically few if any new threads on this receiver. Have people just given up and decided it isn't worth the energy? What to do about the $1,000? Can we get a refund from Dish before a year is over, and apply it to a new 942 receiver, assuming it's better (huge assumption, I...
  11. M

    Won't record when powered off?

    Actually that worked. I simply reset NMV and factory defaults and reset all over again. Now everything works like a 'charm'.
  12. M

    Won't record when powered off?

    I used to be able to set a timer that would record when powered off. For some reason, however, I can't record TNT HD programs when the unit is powered off. Anyone else seeing this problem?
  13. M

    Questions about 921 and satellite hookup

    You're on the right track While you're at it, however, make sure you use only the highest grade RG-6 cable you can find. Personally, I've had good luck with monster. Yeah, it's more expensive, but I actually had the signals burn out the Radio Shack cable I used previously, and that was...
  14. M

    Some good news RE: stability

    That is strange indeed I used to have to reload all of my ota channels. Not anymore. Sounds like yours are less stable, while mine are more stable now?
  15. M

    Some good news RE: stability

    It has now been 1.5 weeks since I have had to rescan my OTA channels. Normally, I have to rescan them every 2-3 days. Recently, a tech came and switched out a connector used to connect wires from the Dish to the receiver, but that was only to fix an apparently dead wire. Maybe the wire was...