Recent content by mc6809e

  1. mc6809e Online Store is Closing

    Sorry to hear you'll be closing the website. Thanks for all the support you've provided for the FTA hobbyist through the years. Being able to order products I need from someone who understands the North American FTA market has been great and will be missed. Best of luck with...
  2. mc6809e

    Enter To Win - Pansat PT-5900 Dual Output 10750 Ku LNBF from - Ends October 31st

    I want to win the PANSAT PT-5900 Dual Output STANDARD 10750 L.O. Ku LNBF
  3. mc6809e

    Enter To Win - Pansat PT-5900 Dual Output 10750 Ku LNBF from - Ends October 31st

    I want to win the PANSAT PT-5900 Dual Output STANDARD 10750 L.O. Ku LNBF
  4. mc6809e

    Edision USALS motor

    I've done the same thing myself. Now it's one of the first things I check, along with the 22kHz setting.
  5. mc6809e

    Edision USALS motor

    It looks like you have your longitude set for 81.5° East instead of West.
  6. mc6809e

    Please review TNAP firmware slot/programming

    Here's a short tutorial I had previously made for another user who wanted to upgrade his mio. Though this was for the original mio 4K it is the same for the mio+.
  7. mc6809e

    AMIKO Amiko A3 Owners Thread

    I can understand the reluctance to buy another Amiko receiver if the A3 is your only experience with Amiko. I liked the A3 but haven't hooked one up in years. I have two A3s as well as an A3 Combo 4K and all do exactly what they were advertised to do. Since the A3 is a computer running...
  8. mc6809e

    100cm Satellite dish and missing parts

    The bottom LNBF mounting arm is 24.75" long. The overall length of the side support arms is 30.5". The straight section between the bends of those arms is 28.5".
  9. mc6809e

    Bob Cooper has passed away

    Rest In Peace
  10. mc6809e

    Titanium LNBF Problem

    I'm sure you already knew it but I thought I'd mention it for those that didn't: "On the C138 and C238 LNBF models, the “0” is aligned with the horizontal polarity probe. If installing on a motorized polar mount, drive the dish to the highest point of the arc and align the “0” scale mark with...
  11. mc6809e

    COZI Missing on 103 W KU ?

    Glad you got it fixed Wayne.
  12. mc6809e

    COZI Missing on 103 W KU ?

    I just checked and it's coming in fine here on an Edision OS mio+ 4K. The SNR for Cozi is 15.6.
  13. mc6809e

    CONTEST!! Time For a Giveaway...With a Catch...

    I'd also like to thank Casey for the contest. However, since I've recently replaced several of my Ku LNBF's and replenished my supply of spares with purchases from Casey and Michael, I'll pass on entering the contest. Good luck to everyone.
  14. mc6809e

    ME TV

    Same for me here. It's been up every time I've checked. Watched my usual Saturday night shows last night. Compared to the readings I got on May 4th, the SNR is down .8dB on the 8ft dish and is now at 10.0dB. The 10ft dish is down 1.3dB and is now at 12.0dB.
  15. mc6809e

    Can the Edison reciever add new video codecs like VVC?

    I have several different 4K video samples saved on the Seagate HD attached to the Mio. The only two that don't play are a NASA instant recording made on the Mio and the LG HDR NASA Demo. Both those do play fine on the PC. The rest of the samples I downloaded do play without problems. These...