Recent content by lparsons21

  1. lparsons21

    Gas Price Info With National Gas Temperature Map

    A little over $4 here in Southern Illinois
  2. lparsons21

    DISH Network reports fourth quarter, year-end 2021 financial results

    Couple that with the plethora of reruns they all seem to want to show and it is easy to see how their ‘production’ costs go down.
  3. lparsons21

    Best, simplest version of Linux to put on old Sony Windows XP laptop?

    Thanks for the props. I’ve fiddled on and off with various Linux distros over the years and remember the fun and frustrations of those early versions. I’ve since moved on to just iPads/iPhones with nary a full computer in sight. Have fun with Linux, it is a tinkerer’s delight IMO.
  4. lparsons21

    Best, simplest version of Linux to put on old Sony Windows XP laptop?

    Check the window menu for a terminal app, that should get you a command prompt in a window to work with.
  5. lparsons21

    RSN's Now All Gone - NESN dropped

    most reports have shown the RSN’s viewers to only be about 10% of subscribers. And if the sports fans were correct about the future because of a lack of them, DirecTV Stream would be growing and there’s no indication of that being the case.
  6. lparsons21

    Had a minor stroke last week this is not fun.

    Yeah, someone was certainly watching over me. This getting old ain’t for pussies, that’s for sure.
  7. lparsons21

    Had a minor stroke last week this is not fun.

    Well, this has been a crap year for me, health wise. A couple days ago I passed out and was unresponsive after completing the daily physical therapy. My heart rate dropped below 30 3 times. Luckily I was in the hospital and they rushed me to the ER. They battled getting my heart rate to 50 and...
  8. lparsons21

    Second Hand Osprey Box / DirecTV Stream

    Yeah, the used ones on EBay work fine, I’ve got 2 of them. Plug in, and it takes about an hour to download stuff from them, all stepped through with on screen prompts.
  9. lparsons21

    Leaving Directv for Directv stream

    Basic Hulu is quite different from their Live streaming service in what it will allow.
  10. lparsons21

    Leaving Directv for Directv stream

    I think only Hulu+Live doesn’t allow any out of home streaming on actual streaming boxes.
  11. lparsons21

    Leaving Directv for Directv stream

    No, the number of simultaneous streams has been stated in this thread a few times, Vazhog is incorrect.
  12. lparsons21

    Leaving Directv for Directv stream

    What a difference a day makes. Today no casting of recordings
  13. lparsons21

    Leaving Directv for Directv stream

    Thanks, back to D*Stream. I currently have it with Ultimate subscription level. IMO, it is overpriced, but I want FS2, & Golf and that’s the only level that has those channels as well as some other lesser cared about channels. As with cable/sat and other live streamers it is always a trade off...
  14. lparsons21

    Leaving Directv for Directv stream

    Yeah, me too. I don’t use the Roku much anymore, but got DD5.1 or better on lots of apps. BTW, for those that have seen other posts by me, you may have noticed that they were usually more wordy than recently. That’s because I recently had a stroke and it has made many mundane things very...