Recent content by langlin

  1. langlin

    Please help me fix a year long issue (acquiring satellite signal)

    The easiest and best solution would be to select a solid OTA station on the OTA tuner, that would stop the error message. Swapping and selecting another Satellite channel does not change the input to the OTA tuner.
  2. langlin

    Has anyone noticed the new 722k DVR menu?

    The only real difference is that the new screen has the more modern look with all "square" buttons and windows while the old screen had rounded corners on everything giving it a softer look. Just a mater of taste, the action seems to be about the same to me.
  3. langlin

    Has anyone noticed the new 722k DVR menu?

    Better than that, look here: Select "interactive menus" and then press "DVR" button. Then click on "Software Version L6.64"
  4. langlin

    HD Absolute subsribers only. Did you get a call yet and are planning on moving?

    I did ask and she said no date has been set. we talked about two offers: AT120 Plus: 130+ channels. $29.99/month for 12 months. AT200: 200+ channels. $39.99/month for 12 months. Platitium free for six months Free HD for life I said I would think about it and said I was happy...
  5. langlin

    Whole-Home DVR Service

    Thanks for the great information.
  6. langlin

    Whole-Home DVR Service

    How does Direct do it? How do they get "up to 15" tv's on one DVR? I've not seen technically how they do it? Is it wireless and does it require multiple boxes?
  7. langlin

    June bill down $5

    "Other Charges and Credits Oct 09 DishHD Absolute With -5.00" I don't see why they chose to charge you and then give a credit but if it continues that way next month, I would call and get it straight because it could cause trouble later down the line as a credit, credits can be dropped...
  8. langlin

    June bill down $5

    I have a dual tuner (722k) and it WAS connected before and still is and my bill went down $5 so I don't think it has anything to do with receivers or connections, I do believe it's because of new free locals included as I was paying 5$ for them.
  9. langlin

    722K Screen Shots and Initial Setup Thoughts

    Finally fixed freezing bug with L6.62 Amazing, just over one year I've had this problem and finally L6.62 seems to have fixed the freezing. I've tested over 10 erasures on the EHD and not one freeze.
  10. langlin

    June bill down $5

    Can't get free HD for life because I have HDAbsolute but I don't care, I have all the HD channels we want and the price is great.
  11. langlin

    June bill down $5

    My June bill just posted, down $5. I now pay 29.99 for Absolute with locals. This is the second reduction this year for me, also down $4 on equipment with the new pricing. I could get to liking E's new pricing policies.:)
  12. langlin

    Multi Sport Package???????????

    › Sports Packages › Multi-Sport Package Our Multi-Sport package is designed for the true sports fanatic. You'll have access to great channels including Fox Sports which covers live scores, in-depth player and team news, ESPN Classic, NFL RedZone Channel which jumps from game to game to...
  13. langlin

    America HD Packages

    I have Absolute and my page now says a could add "Multi Sport" for $7. Don't know if I can or not but it's now on the page. When you click for "more info" it says it is available for $5.99 with qualifing packages, so I don't know what it really means.
  14. langlin

    can i record 2 programs at same time?

    No. must be ATSC broadcast, not cable