I have been installing and maintaining all kinds of Satellite Solutions Since 1996. I also sell satellite related items, mostly FTA on eBay and my website; I have been into Amateur Radio since 1991. I enjoy ham radio dxing as well as TV dxing and FTA. I also enjoy hunting and fishing when I can.


Amiko Mini 4K, Edision Mio+ and Mini HD265 -----10' Channel Master 55.5W to 131W, Titanium ASC-1 Controller. GEOSATpro 90cm on Stab HH-90 motor, GEOSATpro 1.2M fixed at 125W.
F@H: EVGA GTX1070, GTX1070Ti, and RTX2080S(When it is folding) -- ke4est @ SatelliteGuys.US
: :flag
YouTube: Michael-KE4EST