Recent content by Jimbo

  1. Jimbo

    Software Update

    I think we'll know more tomorrow .... too soon to tell.
  2. Jimbo

    How things have changed

    I agree ... When I started with D*, it was $40 per month. People saw Streaming come in at $40 a month (35 ish, YTTV started there), that was what people considered Reasonable ... Now D* has Tripled, YTTV has Doubled ALREADY D* was over 20 years, YTTV has Doubled in the few years its been...
  3. Jimbo

    How things have changed

    So, you go with who was the next great thing and find its going up leaps and bounds as well.
  4. Jimbo

    Software Update

    And again .... Ugh And it works the way it should when you click the next button anywhere on the site ...
  5. Jimbo

    How things have changed

    You didn't use to mention when a Streaming service went up, it use to be only when Traditional TV went up ... You were the Streaming is the Only way guy Now you do ... Face it, People complain when Anything goes Up ...
  6. Jimbo

    Software Update

    I just came to the website a minute ago and Foxbat's issue showed, date wrong ... then I clicked to a thread and all was correct again. Things that make you go ... Hmmmmmmmmm.
  7. Jimbo

    Software Update

    Oppps, Thats right, its 2 weeks away.
  8. Jimbo

    Software Update

    I doubt it, But, Any of this have anything to do with the Time Change this coming weekend ?
  9. Jimbo

    MLB ESPN contract cancelled

    Many don't like the job Manfred is doing ... The majority of the things he's done sound like a Whimsical move, just to make change. The Rules for Extra Innings is high on my list.
  10. Jimbo

    MLB ESPN contract cancelled

    So ESPN backed out of Both contracts ? What good is a Contract, if they can just say No ??? I'm gonna guess the opt outs were part of the original contract ?
  11. Jimbo

    MLB ESPN contract cancelled

    Your saying that ESPN ONLY carries 30 MLB games a Year ? I thought they were caring a REAL package of games. If thats the case, I don't blame MLB Baseball on bit. Like I mentioned, I only turn it on IF My Game is on it.
  12. Jimbo

    Software Update

    No Problem Scott .... It May have already found the correct file as I haven't see the error since, keep in mind it's only been a short time.
  13. Jimbo

    MLB ESPN contract cancelled

    Of course Apple and Roku aern't going to pay the same, thier packages are only a single game .... Back in the day espn use to be the place to go for games ... not anymore. As mentioned previously, IF Your Game isn't on, are you tuning to ESPN anymore ???? It may as well become the NBA...
  14. Jimbo

    Software Update

    Does that just happen, or something that I need to do ?