Recent content by JerryBob

  1. J

    Joeys: What's the Diff

    Thank you very much for your clear and comprehensive explanation. My next Noob question is: If I order a Hopper 3 and 4k Joey to replace my Hopper w/Sling--Super Joey, is this a "Plug & Play" setup for my cabled installation? TIA
  2. J

    Joeys: What's the Diff

    I see a bunch of nomenclature tossed around about Joeys. I currently have a Hopper w/Sling with a Joey that identifies itself as a "Super Joey". What I would like to know is, what is the difference between a "Joey", "Super Joey", "Joey 2" and "Joey +4k" (Although the 4k moniker seems to be...
  3. J

    Hopper Timers What does "Daily" Option Do?

    OK! Thanks. I guess we will just have to put up with cleaning the cruft we collect using "New and Reruns" Thanks, again Bob
  4. J

    Hopper Timers What does "Daily" Option Do?

    Quandary! On FS1 we have a timer set to record NASCAR Race Hub ( Only New). Since this is a sports channel, the times vary, and the "Wonderful" schedule system is *So* *Absolutely* accurate,:rolleyes: we regularly miss episodes. Setting the timer to "New and Reruns" obviously collects a lot of...
  5. J

    Disable PIP?

    Hmmm..... Well, if this behavior is by design, I'll just have to put up with it. As someone pointed out, it is a minor annoyance, but an inconvenience at best. I just wonder if raising a trouble ticket would help precipitate a software upgrade. Thanks for all the good advice, Bob
  6. J

    Disable PIP?

    I have a shiny new Hopper/Super Joey setup that I am enjoying very much. The only annoyance I have so far is PIP sticking it's nose in where it is not wanted. If I am recording a program and watching another, when I switch to the program that is being recorded I get a Black Screen. Checking...
  7. J

    CNN and HLN gone/ Dish-Turner Dispute - Now Back 11/21

    General Note to Dish: CNN outage Ok, I have been patient. I am now getting annoyed about the CNN/HLN outage. You folks need to get off the dime and get back the programming that I am paying for. BTY, stop blaming Time-Warner. We ALL know that the problem is stubbornness and greed on BOTH ends...
  8. J

    129 and 119 out, anyone else's dish out.

    Same thing happened in Las Cruces, NM. The *really* annoying thing is JeffyWeffy is now leading on NASCAR :-(
  9. J

    VIP922 Daily Schedule - No info available

    Gents, Thanks for the help. I know this is an old post, but it may help someone else. I had the same trouble, and check switch did not help. However, I was able to clear the No Info problem by setting the automatic updates to 15 minutes in the future then turning off (standby) the DVR...