Recent content by jackson85

  1. J

    Upgrade from Joey to Wireless Joey

    I really do not mind the Hopper +. I appreciate it, when I can't find the remote for the TV, when using the regular Smart TV Channels
  2. J

    Considering Jumping

    I would support the rent to own option on the Joeys. The amount that we all have paid over the years, all of us would have owned the equipment.
  3. J

    Joey 4 just shuts off, then gives message, that Broadband Connection Lost

    The weird thing about all this , is that it's only one Joey. If it was the Hopper3 and all Joey's doing this, saying this message on all , then I would say it was my ISP, but it's only with this Joey 4.0, and no other.
  4. J

    Joey 4 just shuts off, then gives message, that Broadband Connection Lost

    My Joey 4, will shut off, and give me a message Broadband Connection Lost, and an error code 1305. I have called tech support, want know to what to do to prevent it from happening in the first place
  5. J

    Questions about Hopper Plus

    I'm thinking that Dish is supposed to give you new remotes, along with the upgraded equipment .
  6. J

    St Louis Locals

    Thank You. I will do that
  7. J

    St Louis Locals

    So, would a tech from Dish be the answer, or can I fix it
  8. J

    St Louis Locals

    In General, we get a message only on our Joey 4.0. It's not message, but our Broad Signal is lost. Doesn't happen on any of other Ŕecei In General the only receiver that this happens with ìs our Joey 4.0, and the message is Broadband Signal is lost. Goes offcomes back on less than a minute
  9. J

    Hopper 3 Software H376

    Mÿ luck with manually downloading the updates is not good. So, I just wait for the updates to download themselves.
  10. J

    Hopper 3 Software H375

    The Hopper that I had before the Hopper 3 would for reasons unknown at that time would just shut off. After dealing with that so many times, I decided that it was time to something about this . The tech who installed the Hopper, then was the same tech who installed the Hopper3. The cable...
  11. J

    Hopper 3 Software H375

    I have to learn a lesson. BTW, how is the life expantancy of the Hopper 3. I have had mine maybe 9 or 10 years.
  12. J

    Hopper 3 Software H375

    Thanks. I will it alone and let nature take its course
  13. J

    Hopper 3 Software H375

    I know, that I can't install the Signal Protector, because i have the Hopper Plus. Which to me, it isn't a big deal. My issue is trying to Hopper 3 Updates. I tried with the 375 Update, and it was a disaster. I had to do the Facebook Messenger Tech Support, in order to get it back my...
  14. J

    Hopper 3 hard drive failure

    Mine may be close to that same age. I have had some moments, when it can contrary and stubborn, but it always seems to stay working