Recent content by fuzzy

  1. fuzzy

    Hopper Plus / Joey 4 users check in here!

    I'm trying to use harmony remote which has always worked with hopper3, but using hopper3 and hopper plus the the pause button does not work. also used another universal remote with the same no pause
  2. fuzzy

    54 REMOTE

    DOES THE 54 REMOTE USE RF 433 OR 315
  3. fuzzy

    Just bought a Samsung UN65NU8000FXZA now my DISH programming looks terrible

    Take the samsung back and get a sony, you will see the difference. sony has the best upscaling of any tv
  4. fuzzy


    me too, pain in pass:eek:
  5. fuzzy

    DISH to deliver Olympics in 4K HDR

    you are not missing anything the olympics on roku nbc HD channel look as good as dish 4k on my sony 4k tv
  6. fuzzy

    Loud High Pitched Noise on H3.

    its your sony tv with the new update:mad:
  7. fuzzy

    4K Events Discussion Thread

    It says 4k ,but doesn't look as good as some hd:eek:
  8. fuzzy

    6/21/2017 12:19 - Uplink Report - 16 Changes

    @ $60 still no 4k:eeek
  9. fuzzy

    U347 for H3

    Any one tried the update to the newest software?
  10. fuzzy

    U347 for H3

    Did the dual ota turner go to dual tuner anyone?
  11. fuzzy

    Harmony Remote & Hopper 3

    I have the Harmony companion hub and remote, I have no problems with any H3 button pushes including the recall button. I also use the rf setting. Go into the desktop app and change the device settings to rf from wifi on all devices ,it works better:biggrin
  12. fuzzy

    4K Joey Netflix...........

    I think dish should drop netflix and have a better H3 receiver. I never use it because it's to buggy:eeek
  13. fuzzy

    Senior Discount?

    I had HBO for $10 for 6 months and at the end it renewed for $10 for 1 year!:biggrin2
  14. fuzzy

    Unable to select 412-24 NESN Regional Sports Networks

    this bug has been here since h3 rollout,