Recent content by Ferrino

  1. F

    Moving Question

    Thankyou for that link! So it seems we have nothing to lose by getting the Mover's Connection and we will get some free channels for a few months and the installer may be able to extend the internal wiring etc...
  2. F

    Moving Question

    Thankyou! I didn't want to use the Mover's Connection as I thought they now extended the commitment, but apparently that is only if you get new equipment at the same time (which we are not). I think I'll try wiring it up and testing it myself and then I'll get the Mover's Connection deal if...
  3. F

    Moving Question

    We are moving into an apartment which has already been wired up for Directv (fairly new dish, HD ready etc.) and I have a couple of questions: 1. Should we still schedule the free mover's installation? We may need the cable to be extended form it's current termination point in the apartment, so...
  4. F

    Do I have a SWM LNB?

    OK, had the move done on Saturday and indeed I did not get another SWM install. No biggie though as we only have a single receiver, with no plans for any more.
  5. F

    Do I have a SWM LNB?

    Sorry, you've lost me. I just have a dish mounted on a flat roof about 12-feet directly above the TV (non-pen mount) and then a single coax leading down, through a single wall and into the HD-DVR.
  6. F

    Do I have a SWM LNB?

    No, it's my own dish (I actually had to help the installer!!!) but I just don't have a ladder to get up there! Wonder if one good tug on the coax would get it down :-)
  7. F

    Do I have a SWM LNB?

    Thanks for the advice! I wish I could get up on the roof and grab it! Unfortunately the installation guy needed a fairly long ladder to get up there and I don't have that sort of equipment (as an apartment dweller) :-(
  8. F

    Do I have a SWM LNB?

    There's just one line coming from the dish and yes I can record 2 shows at once. I was led to believe that SWMs were only used when multiple receivers are being used and therefore I'm wondering if I got lucky and whether I will get the same setup in the new place...?
  9. F

    Do I have a SWM LNB?

    I had my first D* service installed back in February (HD-DVR) and am using the Mover's Connection next week. I currently have a single HR22 receiver and there is a single coax cable running to it - does this mean I have one of the newer LNBs with a SWM built into it? I'd like to keep this setup...
  10. F

    Moving House Concerns

    Spoke to a Mover's Connection rep. today and he confirmed that there is no commitment renewal for purely using the Mover's Connection - it only gets renewed if you upgrade hardware at the same time. He confirmed, however, that there is indeed a $50 charge if you move within 12 months.
  11. F

    Options for Splitting HR-22 Output?

    Good point! A single HDMI cable would be much easier! So is there any difference in HD picture quality between component and HDMI?
  12. F

    Options for Splitting HR-22 Output?

    We have a single HD-DVR (HR-22) supplying a single HDTV and are looking to get a 2nd HDTV for the bedroom. Considering we are about to use the Mover's Connection we could potentially get a deal on a 2nd HD-DVR, which I'm guessing would be $99 at best, and an extra $60 in fees per year, as well...
  13. F

    Moving House Concerns

    Thanks for that - good point - if I'm going to start a new contract anyway, I might as well try and get a free/cheap extra receiver as we're thinking about getting a 2nd HDTV anyway. Is it realistic to hope for a 2nd HD-DVR for free? Or maybe just the non-DVR HD receiver?
  14. F

    Moving House Concerns

    Thanks all - guess I will be coughing up $50 and starting the 24-month contract afresh...
  15. F

    Moving House Concerns

    Pah, $50 charge - didn't see that anywhere either! Tempted to take down the old dish when I move and sell it to cover the charge! Out of interest, what happens to the old dish? Do D* get someone to collect it? I wonder if my current landlord would charge me to leave it on the roof...