Recent content by EmCommSat

  1. EmCommSat

    SOLD!! Slingbox SOLO SB260-100

    Looking forward to trying the Solo out, I will take both!
  2. EmCommSat

    Commercial Hughesnet 39” Score

    Definitely save the feed horn and waveguide. Sent using Tapatalk
  3. EmCommSat

    Commercial Hughesnet 39” Score

    I purchased several of these with making offer. I've got them for $10-$12 a piece. Sent using Tapatalk
  4. EmCommSat

    Commercial Hughesnet 39” Score

    Nice 1m dish! Also, you should be able to attach a standard KU band LNB to that feed horn, but it would only be one polarity. Sent using Tapatalk
  5. EmCommSat

    Put old Orby set top boxes to use.

    Yes, OrbyTV provided the OTA programing data via satellite. Sent using Tapatalk
  6. EmCommSat

    I logged into OrbyTV WITHOUT password saved! Feb 20 2021

    Take a look on Lyngsat, Good reference for what's out there for C band and KU band. What's listed is fta/in the clear may not be available. But it gives you an idea. Below are three links to some of the popular satellites out there for KU band. 97 West KU, lots of international programming...
  7. EmCommSat

    I logged into OrbyTV WITHOUT password saved! Feb 20 2021

    Yes, I was able to login and update my billing info, and service resumed on my receivers. Thanks for the insights. We'll see how long the service works for, might as well enjoy it for a little bit longer before the receivers become paperweights. Welcome to the family! Sent using Tapatalk
  8. EmCommSat

    Kijiji, eBay, and Craigslist dishes for you to take a look at

    Iowa Falls, IA Channel Master 10-foot Fiberglass Dish with king post $500 10 Foot Satellite Dish
  9. EmCommSat

    Kijiji, eBay, and Craigslist dishes for you to take a look at

    Huge antenna/ satellite dish (Orland, CA) Free "I have a huge satellite/antenna in the backyard. Perfect for someone who’s a burning man artist, welder or wants scrap metal. I don’t know the measurements but it’s quite large and probably heavy. I do know you’ll need some heavy power tools to...
  10. EmCommSat

    40% off Orby TV receivers and DVRs @ Best Buy on 12/3

    40% off Orby TV receivers and DVRs @ Best Buy on 12/3 24-Hour Sale starts tonight at midnight (Central Time) Receivers $59.99/ea DVRs $119.99/ea Also, Basic professional installation is just $25* for new customers only! *New customers only. Basic professional installation includes delivery...
  11. EmCommSat

    Sale $99 OrbyTV DVR @ Best Buy

    Deal is dead.
  12. EmCommSat

    Sale $99 OrbyTV DVR @ Best Buy

    Very welcome!
  13. EmCommSat

    Sale $99 OrbyTV DVR @ Best Buy

    $99 OrbyTV DVR @ Best Buy Orby TV is the DEAL OF THE DAY in Best Buy stores and on
  14. EmCommSat

    Need a Good Signal Meter

    Very welcome, enjoy! Sent using Tapatalk