Recent content by ej00807

  1. E

    Looking for advice for small motel...

    I manage a small, fairly low-end, motel with about 20 rooms, and perhaps only 8 rooms are nice tourist rooms. Recently I learned that the cable tv provider in my small city is discontinuing service. I only have a few months to make some sort of a transition. I'm not exactly sure what I want to...
  2. E

    OTHER Looking for FTA box that can encode and stream to network

    I like that idea. I've heard of those, but thought they were for cable.... Do you use web server interface and smart phone to change the channels and so forth? Maybe something like the solo model? Anyhow thanks!
  3. E

    OTHER Looking for FTA box that can encode and stream to network

    So I know there many STB receivers that can play streaming IP content. But what I am looking for, is a STB that could stream broadcast the current FTA channel I'm viewing onto my network. This would let me view the current channel on other monitors throughout the house. I haven't shopped a...
  4. E

    FTA in the US

    I'm also new to all of this, so I'm also unclear on FTA offerings. Can I find all of the basic network programming ( nbc, cbs, abc, fox) unscrammbled? Even if on seperate birds? In my view the whole situation with fss is out of hand. The FCC has totally lost touch with the concept of fair use...
  5. E

    STB Receivers & cable making

    Snap and seal & PPC EX6 . I have to check those out. I'm never going with a screw-on connector again. Guess thats the real meaning of being royally screwed. Well it wasn't a momentary short, it was about a minute or two before I figured out what was happening. I'm going to withhold comments...
  6. E

    STB Receivers & cable making

    I'm new to FTA but fairly an old hat with electronics and so forth. Recently I purcahsed a FTA receiver (which is supposed the #1 selling brand right now). I had successfully set it the stb and dish and began to really, really enjoy this new experience of good, free programming. Really, it...
  7. E

    Set Top Boxes and power injector isolation

    I have two newbie question about STB for the experts out there. Are any/all STB's easily damaged if there is a short on the line? Specifically, with the voltage being transmitted on the rg6 line to the LNB, I'm wondering if this is responsible for a problem with a Sonicview I recently had...