Recent content by DVDDAD


    Bluetooth Keyboards That Work With Gemini?

    It uses Bluetooth for its remote control (not IR or RF), lets you pair a second Bluetooth remote and has an option to pair other Bluetooth devices.

    Bluetooth Keyboards That Work With Gemini?

    Hey guys, I'm new with Gemini and trying to find a Bluetooth Keyboard that will work with it. I bought two different ones from Amazon and neither worked. They just wouldn't pair. Has anyone found one that works?

    No 30 Second Skip on Gemini?

    Thanks guys! That works! So did 30skip search!

    No 30 Second Skip on Gemini?

    I just replaced my Genie client with the new Gemini box and noticed there were two very important buttons missing on the Gemini's remote. The 30 Second Slip or Skip and6 Second back buttons were missing. At first a Gemini rep said I can still use those functions by pressing and holding the FF...

    Anyone get an External Hard Drive to work on Genie 2

    Thanks for all your help. The External 4TB drive works without a hitch in my new HR-54. Thanks again.

    Anyone get an External Hard Drive to work on Genie 2

    Okay guys, with your input I've decided to keep two of the three HR24's and opt for the HR54 and two of the 4K Clients. Install is set for Monday. If the HR54 has an ESATA port, I'll give it a try and let you know how I make out. Thanks for your input.

    Anyone get an External Hard Drive to work on Genie 2

    I currently have a HR-44 with three HR24's and one Genie Mini. The HR-44 has an external 2TB hard drive. I'm contemplating upgrading to a 4K TV and replacing all my boxes with the Genie 2. I know I'll be downgrading from 11 tuners down to seven and I'll also be losing storage. Can you add a...

    Free NFL/ST?

    I got mine too. After paying for ST for years, I stopped last year and thought they were trying to get me hooked, so I'd buy it again next year. Did any of you that paid for ST last year get one? Have any of you never paid for ST? Maybe they are giving it to everyone this year?

    Two Genie ?'s: My Team Recordings and Boolean Serches

    No, sorry. I don't have two Genies. I had two questions about one Genie.
  10. DVDDAD

    Two Genie ?'s: My Team Recordings and Boolean Serches

    Last year for a few months of the season My Team recordings for my NY Mets stopped working and then started working. This season started off great but now stopped working again. I called DTV two weeks ago and again today and was told that they would let the software team know about it. Is...
  11. DVDDAD

    Is there a 30 second back button?

    Hit your skip back button 4-6 times if you skip forward too much.
  12. DVDDAD

    Confused person, on boxes and dish, GENIE vs Pre-GENIE

    Shouldn't this thread be closed, as the OP is looking for help in account stacking?
  13. DVDDAD

    Replacement equipment for bad HDMI?

    Stupid question, did you try swapping your HDMI cable?
  14. DVDDAD

    2015 Sunday Ticket Deals/Offers

    Just because DirecTV calls you going from standalone HD receivers to wireless mini genie's an upgrade, it doesn't mean it was necessarily an upgrade. How many tuners did you lose? How many of those mini's will work if your genie goes down, zero. Everything else you got was fantastic, but...
  15. DVDDAD

    2015 Sunday Ticket Deals/Offers

    I was offered $10 off the $58.99 for 6 months price for ST Max. I declined the offer and asked the Retentions person I was talking to remove ST Max and she did, without any other offers. I will try again closer to the season opener to see what I can get.