Recent content by dsimmon9

  1. dsimmon9

    Hopper 3 software H370 and Joey 3 J570

    The Joey 4's were updated Jan. 5th. to P524.13. This update fixed the issue I was having with the Joey 4 not outputting 4K.
  2. dsimmon9

    MoCA Status Indicator Issue

    Thanks, Charles. That confirms what I thought. Hopefully it will get fixed with the next update.
  3. dsimmon9

    MoCA Status Indicator Issue

    Looks like you have the same problem with the Joey 4. Must be a problem with the last software update. To get to option to change the resolution settings on the Joey 4, you have to go to the gear in the upper right of the screen and go to Dish settings, then to TV. The option is in the Hopper...
  4. dsimmon9

    MoCA Status Indicator Issue

    There is nothing in 4k at this time. But if I tune to channel 540-01 on the Hopper, I get a screen that is in 4K. See attachment. There is an option to select the resolution to 4k on the Hopper, but not on the Joey 4. Since I don't see an option on the Joey 4 to select the output resolution...
  5. dsimmon9

    MoCA Status Indicator Issue

    Charles, I have a new problem with my Joey 4. It will not display 4K content. See my attachments. I get a message saying it is unable to display 4K content. When I go to the screen to select the output resolution, I don't have that option. Can you check your Joey 4 to see if you have the...
  6. dsimmon9

    MoCA Status Indicator Issue

    I have had problems with the Joey 4. I've had the red bars too. The Joey 3's just had low signal until I replaced the splitter. I will let you know if I get the red bars again.
  7. dsimmon9

    MoCA Status Indicator Issue

    I was having Moca issues and narrowed it down to the 4-way splitter after the duo hub. Replaced it over the weekend and all seems ok right now.
  8. dsimmon9

    MoCA Status Indicator Issue

    Charles, I've had that same problem too. Figured it is just the latest software version.
  9. dsimmon9

    H365 has arrived

    Charles, I can confirm that. The dropdown is now at the top as you can see in the attachment. I also had trouble stopping playback. I had to keep pressing the options button several times before the stop option would stay on the screen long enough to stop the playback. Donald
  10. dsimmon9

    4K Joey and 4K Channels (Updated)

    It does receive updates. It was on ver. P512 when I installed it in February.
  11. dsimmon9

    4K Joey and 4K Channels (Updated)

    I installed it myself. It replaced a Joey 3. There is a different phone number on the box to call in to activate it, different from the onscreen number. It takes you direct to someone that knows that you need to download the Android files, which I had already done. I was on the phone with...
  12. dsimmon9

    4K Joey and 4K Channels (Updated)

    I purchase a Joey 4 from Solid Signal in February and have used it without the Hopper+. I have not had any issues with it. The last update it received was in May, ver. P517.
  13. dsimmon9

    Dish customer service claims there is not wireless Joey 4

    I purchased a Joey 4 without the Hopper Plus and had it activated without any problems. The box has a different phone number to activate Joey 4's.
  14. dsimmon9

    DISH Fights for a Fair Deal, Tegna Prioritizes Greed above Consumers

    Thanks, I noticed it has returned this morning.
  15. dsimmon9

    DISH Fights for a Fair Deal, Tegna Prioritizes Greed above Consumers

    Dennis, are you having trouble receiving WWL OTA? I haven't been able to receive it since last night.