Recent content by Chris_S@DISH

  1. Chris_S@DISH

    What package are these channels in?

    They're currently only available on the Flex Pack.
  2. Chris_S@DISH

    Audio low on BBC World News

    PM me your details so I can look send this over to our engineers.
  3. Chris_S@DISH

    True Cost of Flex Pack?

    It's $44.99 with one channel pack. If you sign up for eBill Auto Pay, we would provide you with a $5 discount for 24 months - bringing the price down to $39.99. If you're an existing customer, this would not require a commitment and the discount does not automatically apply to the account. You...
  4. Chris_S@DISH

    Hopper 3 Storage Space used info with and DA App

    There isn't at the moment. I'll be sure to forward your feedback.
  5. Chris_S@DISH

    Upgrading Receiver

    Fair point! Only reason I did not mention is that he said he spoke with both chat and another DIRT agent. Since the question was only about the pricing, I figured I'd answer that directly.
  6. Chris_S@DISH

    Upgrading Receiver

    It would not affect your current promotion.
  7. Chris_S@DISH

    Hi DIRT Want new complete setup with Hopper 3 and 4 or 5 Joeys.

    Can you send me a PM with your account number and PIN?
  8. Chris_S@DISH

    Received mail from Dish

    Check out our Free Preview page here: This updates pretty often as channels go in and out of free preview.