Recent content by cablewithaview

  1. cablewithaview

    Avatars Galore!

    Name? Don't need no name for that.
  2. cablewithaview

    Cable War Fails to Offer Rate Relief in Montgomery

    Bills for thousands of Montgomery County cable viewers will increase by 4 percent starting March 1, when Comcast Corp., suburban Maryland's largest cable television provider, raises rates throughout the Washington region. Montgomery leaders had hoped that competition from a new provider...
  3. cablewithaview

    Canadian locals eligible in the US.

    I like StarChoice, we thought we would miss Dish or DirecTV but we didn't. The kids are use to Nick, Disney and Cartoon and it throws them off a little.
  4. cablewithaview

    Canadian locals eligible in the US.

    The Fight Network and The Miracle Network is available for sale in the US. We have plans later this year here and in South America as well concerning TFN. SA has been talked strongly as of late. The cable networks (not talking about broadcast stations) in Canada, if they want, can ok their...
  5. cablewithaview

    TPB the movie on DVD

    Have a link? Emailed Movie Gallery the other day, they reply stating it will be in there store in April.
  6. cablewithaview

    Roof Mount a 8 footer. Possible?

    The antenna mounted low in the pic, is that the one that gave you trouble a while back?
  7. cablewithaview

    Most Basic Cable

    You can get negative/tier traps to cut out basically any channel or group of channels you want. The only thing about using traps to cut out a group of channels, you have to have it cut to cut out audio on the low end and video on the high end to keep from cutting out the adjacent channel. When I...
  8. cablewithaview

    Please HELP! (Lengthy but please read)

    Welcome Splicer to the other side of the world. :) When all else fails, satellite installer maybe able to help you out. Some of those guys however are stuck on Echostar and DirecTV to know any difference unless they are like some of us in here that knows better. Man, I have satellite installers...
  9. cablewithaview

    Judge Bars DirecTV HD Ads

    In a way it is a "cable vs satellite" thing. Bottom line, satellite should broadcast what they advertise. If you say you have better HD then cable, then broadcast in True HD form and try to live up to it. If cable operators are broadcasting in 1920x1080i resolution then satellite should to. This...
  10. cablewithaview

    Judge Bars DirecTV HD Ads

    A federal judge ruled Monday that DirecTV must stop running ads claiming that its HDTV service is superior to cable’s, pending the outcome of a false-advertising suit Time Warner Cable filed against the direct-broadcast satellite operator. Judge Laura Taylor Swain of the U.S. District Court...
  11. cablewithaview

    Any US actions against a subscriber?

    I second the motion, all in favour?
  12. cablewithaview

    Cable Monopoly

    What is biased on reporting a price increase by a telco?
  13. cablewithaview

    Cable Monopoly

    The Nation article: "effort on behalf of the telephone lobby (principally Verizon and AT&T" Telco lobbyist not cable. ALSO "they (Telco's) wish to remove any obstacle to securing lucrative revenues from signing up customers from the wealthiest parts of the country." sound more like redlining...