Recent content by bkushner

  1. bkushner

    Might Leave Dish Any Hope

    So after 20 years of using and loving Dish it looks like it's all over for me. I'm retiring in the spring and moving to a condo complex that has FIOS and no dishes allowed. I will have a balcony facing in the right direction for dish but I obviously can't have a dish mounted. Is there any other...
  2. bkushner

    ID Satellite

    Thanks..IS there a way to see the current antenna channel signal strength other then setup?
  3. bkushner

    ID Satellite

    Can someone tell me how I see which satellite a specific channel is on watching a program. It used to be on the info screen..thanks
  4. bkushner

    Hopper with Sling Software Version U234 40.0 Remote Control Color Button Menu Shortcut List

    Does anyone know how you see the tuners in the new version?
  5. bkushner

    Hopper Update FAIL

    I just solved the bricking problem...I unplugged the external drive and it started right up. How to I update the Joey? I assume on the Joey?
  6. bkushner

    Hopper Update FAIL

    Received an email about updating my Hopper before the mandatory push at the end of the month. Got the app hit the update and just got home 4 hours later and the unit is BRICKED. All I get is Hopper Starting up screen...I've powered down a few time all to no avail. Anyone else having issues?
  7. bkushner

    Mouse and Hopper

    I've read and seen videos that show a mouse working with the Hopper. I tried my wireless mouse to no avail. Is this feature still working?
  8. bkushner

    Showtime Anytime

    A few weeks ago I realized that Californication has restarted and I missed the first 3 episodes. I signed up for Showtime figuring I'd catch up on Showtime Anytime then found out that it's not available to Dish Customers. I called customer service and asked to cancel Showtime (hour later) and...
  9. bkushner

    How bad is the Hopper

    Thought about upgrading to a Hopper then saw 22 bad Amazon Reviews versus 6 Good. Is the machine really that bad? Should I stand pat? Brian
  10. bkushner

    Seagate GoFlex Portable

    Why do you feel powering the EHD would hurt the receiver?
  11. bkushner

    Seagate GoFlex Portable

    Using one of these for external drive and so far working fine. This is not a powered drive. Is anyone else using this drive without incident?
  12. bkushner

    Backup drive or receiver drive

    Where is the best place to store your shows? Since either drive can fail I wondered if one way would be more reliable. Thanks.
  13. bkushner

    Any Way to Salvage Programming from Dying Receiver

    Well you can do that John on an external drive. I'm looking for a true backup situation in case the receiver and/or the external fail.
  14. bkushner

    Any Way to Salvage Programming from Dying Receiver

    Will dish ever offer a backup solution for shows?