Recent content by amc1

  1. amc1

    Galaxy 16 at 99.0°W

    what is on this sattelite now? i been away a long time and only now getting home . my dish has moved .have to line it up again. also need setup instructions for dish and settings on the reciever for cband. need all the help i can get?:confused::(
  2. amc1

    what sattelite has some stuff on it?

    what sattelite has some stuff on it? i been out of the loop for a long while due work commitments.?i dont have anything that does ac3 at the moment.i had g16 but their not much on it anymore.;)
  3. amc1

    g18 ?

    is g18 all ac3?
  4. amc1

    g18 ?

    anything on g18 worth watching i moved of it a 1 and half years ago was wondering if their is anything on c-band ?:)
  5. amc1

    strong transponders ?

    how about 91 (G17 AKA G11) c-band?
  6. amc1

    SatStar is it accurate ?

    bump this up again.
  7. amc1

    whitch should i use?

    true to use true i guess that would say it all ,lol.thanks stanleyjohn.
  8. amc1

    whitch should i use?

    whitch should i use as i get mixed up and comfused when trying to get asignal with a compass? Azimuth (true): 220.8° Azimuth (magn.): 241.0° i forget whitch 1 to use.:confused:
  9. amc1

    SatStar is it accurate ?

    just wondering if SatStar is accurate ? i want to move my 6ft c-band dish and want to check spotbeams out.;)
  10. amc1

    Any long Memorial Day weekend FTA projects?

    to my american big brother from me and the rest of canada your little brother have a good Memorial Day weekend. , though im not from the usa ill be moving my big 6ft dish not sure whitch sattelite is the best to move it to ? got to find something .seems g 16 is a bit of a know if i...
  11. amc1

    Do you use protection???

    i learned the hard whey i lost an reciever and a ku-lnb through a thunderstorm .i never had a surge protecter connected to it in my bed room .the reciever in living room was ok.that was a bummer. i lost 1 of my best everything is grounded and surge bars where needed.there is a...
  12. amc1

    is it worth while 87.0°W AMC 3 c-band?

    91Wwhat is on that ? also 35-40 of the same feeds?
  13. amc1

    is it worth while 87.0°W AMC 3 c-band?

    any other sattelite other than 87.0°W AMC 3 c-band?any other c-band with a few channels on it out there?
  14. amc1

    is it worth while 87.0°W AMC 3 c-band?

    i was wondering if it is worth while 87.0°W AMC 3 c-band?i was thinking of moving my dish? i live in nfld canada.:D