Shows you like this season.


Supporting Founder
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Supporting Founder
Mar 20, 2004
Lacombe La
OK these are the shows my wife and I are watching/recording this season. List yours.

ABC: Lost, Men in Trees, Greys Anatomy, Ugly Betty, Brothers & Sisters and Boston Legal. (three new shows for ABC)

FOX: Bones, House, Family Guy, The Simpsons, The Loop and Hell's Kitchen. (none of the new shows for fox)

NBC: The Office, My name is Earl, ER, Vegas, Heroes and Studio 60. (Two new shows for NBC)

CBS: Survivor, CSI, The Unit, How I Met your Mother, Two and a half Men, The Class, NCIS, Numbers, Shark and The Amazing Race. (Jericho maybe for one more week) (Three New shows for CBS)
New shows I really like: Shark, Justice, Jericho, The Class, Vanished

New shows I like: Heroes, Standoff, What About Brian

New shows I sorta like but am not sure I'll keep watching: Six Degrees, The Nine

Old Shows I like: Lost, Grey's, Survivor, Criminal Minds, Numb3rs, Arrested Development (new to me on HdNet, never saw it when it was live), The Office

I think there are more, but my brain is drawing a blank right now
Shows I'm watching/recording:
ABC: Dvring Lost

Fox: Dvring /watching Bones

NBC: Dvring /watching Earl, ER, SNF

CBS: Dvring / Survivor, CSI, Csi Miami, Csi NY, How I Met your Mother, Two and a half Men, The Class, NCIS, Shark and Jericho

Other: BSG on Scifi, Enterprise on HD-Net
New shows I like: HEROES; Jericho; Vanished
New shows I kind of like but not suer i'll keep watching them: The 9; 6 Degrees
Old Shows I like: LOST; Criminal Minds; House; CSI; CSI NY; The Unit
Shows that Jumped the Shark: Desperate Hosewives; CSI Miami

Other shows that are really good are both from SHO: Weeds, and Dexter.

That's all folks!!!!
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The shows i am watching/ Dvring:

FOX: Prison Break, House, King of the Hill and Sports

ABC:Desperate Housewives, Greys anatomy, George Lopez, Lost, Ugly Betty, What about Brian Sports.

NBC:Heroes, Friday night Lights, Las Vegas, Leno and Sports.

CBS:CSI, Jericho, Unit, Numb3rs, Criminal Minds, Ghost whisperer, NCIS, Without a Trace, and Sports.

CW: Smackdown and Everybody Hates Cris

PBS: Various shows alway Smart Gardening.

Others: BSG SG1& Atlantis Nip/Tuck
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For some reason I must be burned out this season because some stuff I like has been boring me this year. But I am still watching plenty.

Grays anatomy (new for me, GF's show) -ABC
ER (watch but am tired of it - although this seasons not been bad) - NBC
Survivor (started watching but stopped...just got bored) - CBS
Supernatural (not as good as last season) - CW (horrible PQ on Atlanta 69)
C.S.I Miami - CBS
C.S.I NY (kinda boring) - CBS
Law & Order (started watching again this season...prob because its on Friday)
Most Haunted (getting board with it though) - Travel Channel
Parco PI - on Courtv
Dr. Who - SciFi
Simpsons (this season stinks) - FOX
Family Guy - FOX
20 good years - NBC (the jury is still out on this one but its ok)
Royal Canadian Air Farce - CBC

I'm sure there are others but I cant remember which
ABC - Lost, Greys Anatomy.

CBS - Cold Case, The Class, CSI Miami, NCIS, The Unit, Jericho, CSI NY, CSI, Shark, Ghost Whisperer.

NBC - Law & Order SVU, Law & Order CI, ER, Law & Order

Fox - Bones, Justice (Finally gave up on The Simpsons).

Other - Nip/Tuck, Supernatural, BSG

shows I like:

ABC- Extreme makeover home edition (I just love how they can always tear down a house and build a new one in a week)
CBS- CSI New York, Jericho, football
NBC- ER (although i am starting to get tired of it a little, but may stick with it cause this year is pretty good), Deal or no Deal, Friday night lights, the office, the biggest loser
Fox- the simpsons, king of the hill, family guy, 24, prison break, house, till death.

Other networks, Mythbusters, Dirty jobs, how it's made, and I like that little people big world show on tlc, really interesting how these little people are able to live life like everyone else in the world.
So Far this season I've watched:
Prison Break
2.5 Men
Heroes (only after 2.5 men)
Studio 60
Survivor (done w/ that already)
Ghost Whisperer
The Simpsons
The War at Home
Family Guy
Desperate Housewives (only after family guy, but that's on Break now)
South Park
How I Met your mother (now that prison break is on break)
Shows I'm watching/recording:
ABC: Dvring Lost

Fox: Dvring /watching Bones

NBC: Dvring /watching Earl, ER, SNF

CBS: Dvring / Survivor, CSI, Csi Miami, Csi NY, How I Met your Mother, Two and a half Men, The Class, NCIS, Shark and Jericho

Other: BSG on Scifi, Enterprise on HD-Net

How on earth did I forget Enterprise, BSG and Dr. Who??? :D
of the new shows, i love friday night lights. i think its brilliant but doesn't have much of an audience. nbc said they would stick with it for awhile, but........

of the returning shows, other than 24 which will be back in january, my favorite is boston legal. william shatner, candice bergen and james spader plus the warped but great mind of david e kelly.
Of the new shows

Smith (already gone)
Friday Night Lights

I have seen the Class (it might work), 30 rock and 20 good Years (I won't stick around long), and Studio 60 but I have given up already.
NCIS, The Unit and waiting for the late return of "Las Vegas"

Not much else! My wife and I like these and other than movies on the movie channels we don't watch much Network stuff. Flat monthly rate DVD rentals takes up most of our evenings.
I find some of the comments about Survivor interesting. I too have lost interest. I think it's finally just gotten old.
CBS: the class, How I met your mother, 2.5 men, CSI MIAMI, CSI, CSI NY, Shark, survivor, Jericho, criminal mind, amazing race

ABC: lost

NBC: Earl, L&O:CI, SUV, Heroes, family guy, simpsons, the war at home, ER, Studio 60,

Fox: bones, prison break, 'till death, happy hour, justice

WC: supernatural, everybody hates chris

HDnet: enterprise
Scifi; BSG
showtime: dexter, weeds
I note in the recent ratings, Criminal minds is doing very well. I just can't get into it anymore. It used to be a show I watched and enjoyed when my wife watched it, but now I just read a book or surf when she watches it. Have no desire to watch at all. But my wife still likes it.

Same with CSI Miami. I hate that show and always have, but it kills in the ratings.

I guess it's just all the cop/forensic shows just blend together for me. I find the original CSI a chore to watch too. I used to love that show. Same with Survivor. I guess some genres are just done to death and I'm tired of it.

So to update this season for us....

Shows I used to watch and am now done with.

The Unit, Used to look forward to it, now.... enh.. could care less.

CSI ... enh

Numbers... enh

I see these shows on the DVR list and have no desire to watch them at all. I would just as soon delete them if my wife wouldn't kill me.

The Amazing race is still fun.

Survivor.... I just don't look forward to it like I used to.

Some keepers on the forensic/cop shows....I like Bones because it has a sense of humor and likeable characters. NCIS as well.

And for an older show...I'm still liking ER as well. it's a well written and acted show.

Two and a half men... great show

The office... great show

How I met your Mother... great show.

Vegas... silly but likeable characters, good show

Greys anatomy... still great

Lost.... great show

BSG.... awesome show.

Of the new shows....

Brothers and Sisters..... had six episodes on DVR wife an I watched one and deleted the rest unwatched.

THe nine... same fate as above

Vanished.... ditto

Shark... enh

Standoff.... Wife likes it. me....enh

Till Death... Deleted timer ....done

Happy hour...... Deleted timer ....done

Jericho.... Train wreck but so fun to watch and laugh at. (wife hates it)

The Class... like it a lot

Men in trees... both of us like it

Studio 60....both of us like it

Ugly Betty. I'm not a fan but wife likes it.
First, glad you are reading the ratings thread. I hope people like it.

Second, I think your comment about Criminal Minds is a good one. I am hit or miss with it. I record each episode, and have about a 50% chance of actually watching the show. It either starts out really good and hooks me, or ends up being another sicko pervert stalker/rapist/serial killer/ etc... and I turn it off in 5 minutes.

I think part of the reason it is doing better than LOST is that even with the beautiful Evangeline Lilly, the show is just plain old confusing and hard to follow for the average viewer.
First, glad you are reading the ratings thread. I hope people like it.

Second, I think your comment about Criminal Minds is a good one. I am hit or miss with it. I record each episode, and have about a 50% chance of actually watching the show. It either starts out really good and hooks me, or ends up being another sicko pervert stalker/rapist/serial killer/ etc... and I turn it off in 5 minutes.

I think part of the reason it is doing better than LOST is that even with the beautiful Evangeline Lilly, the show is just plain old confusing and hard to follow for the average viewer.

Oh yeah Keep it up. I read the ratings thread every day. great Job.

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