Who is having problems with HDMI with 211/411/622


Original poster
Jun 16, 2006
How widespread is the HDMI problem?
The HDMI output on my 411 stopped working today. Dish insists it is a software problem and didn't want to preplace my unit, but after talking to many people they have finally agreed to replace it.

After talking with dish earlier today, I began playing with the HDMI connection at the 411 and I've gotten it to work again, but it isn't pretty. In frustration I pulled the HDMI cable to the left and suddenly I had a picture. When I let it go the picture was lost again. A pulled it tight again and the picture came back, so I taped the cable in place. It has now been 8 hours and the connection is still working.
Obviously this wasn't a software problem. The HDMI ports on the units themselves I believe are bad or improperly installed.
I've seen alot of posts about bad HDMI outputs on this forum, replacing your receiver was the right thing for them to do, as I don't believe it is a software problem either, but damaged ports. If I remember correctly, alot more 411's have this problem than 211/622's do.:)
HDMI/DVI on 622

Maybe this is just a syntax problem on my end but for what its worth my 622 has NO HDMI only a DVI.
My TV only accepts HDMI and I was told I needed to purchase a DVI to HDMI conversion cable. Am I misinformed?
Thanks SAM
samiwax said:
Maybe this is just a syntax problem on my end but for what its worth my 622 has NO HDMI only a DVI.
My TV only accepts HDMI and I was told I needed to purchase a DVI to HDMI conversion cable. Am I misinformed?
Thanks SAM

Are you sure it doesnt have an HDMI output. I thought its just like the 211, and my 211 does have HDMI. My old HD cable box 3250HD had the DVI and my tv had HDMI, so I had to purchase the DVI - HDMI cable. Seems either I'm going to have to purchase a new HDMI to HDMI cable or some kind of DVI to HDMI adapter.
Clarification on my HDMI/DVI post

Thanks for your reply. As I said this may be a mixup in terms on my part. The output on my 622 is labeled
HDTV Digital Output and on my Toshiba the corresponding input is labeled DVI/HDCP In. These 2
ports are very different in appearence. The TV input
is much larger and has many holes for connector pins
very similar(but not) a parallel port connection. The 622 output is MUCH smaller and a different shape.
I hope this helps you understand what I am seeing
because right now Im a bit confused myself re: the info given to me. For now I will just use component
cables until I get to the bottom of it.
My sincerest regrets if I have misled anyone on this issue. Any updated info would be greatly appreciated. Thanx Sam
As to the HDMI problem on the new MPEG4 receivers, I've read many problem reports here, from 211, 411, and 622 owners. Many of them have reported Dish's claims that it is a software problem, but yours and other stories sure don't sound like a software problem.

You'd think that with all of the revisions out there, that they would eventually find and fix the connector problem. Installing a HDMI port isn't exactly rocket science here in 2006. I could understand if they were having problems in 2004.
I briefly looked at my replacement 622's HDMI connector and its connections to the PCB. This is delicate stuff! As I gently wiggled the HDMI plug from the outside I could see some movement of the connector internally. It's not hard to imagine that it would not take a lot of such motion to eventually break a solder connection. I personally believe that is a real cause for some percentage of those who have experienced the problem, especially those who have "solved" it temporarily by wiggling or reinserting the plug. Thermal cycling could also cause an intermittent connection to open-up. Either of these are clearly a hardware issue. Indeed, the problem can be initiated by the user, but "normal" handling shouldn't be allowed to cause this kind of problem.

If E* wants to make something more "robust", here's a good place to start. The Japanese call it poka yoke (mistake-proofing)...!
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It is now three days later and my rigged cable is still working. After looking at the cable and port more, I think what may have happened was that the cable, which is quite heavy, placed some pressure on the port. The cable's weight pulled downward and may have pulled the HDMI output port loose from the motherboard. As long as I have the cable pulled tight toward the left (looking at the receiver) it works.

I called Dish Tech back, but they seemed disinterested. After all if it is a hardware problem they will have to replace alot of receivers. As long as they continue insisting its software, they're off the hook so to speak. As I remember it took years to fix problems with other models and in fact some of those problems were never fixed.

If your's has a problem, INSIST on a new receiver. It may take an hour or more on the phone, but it is possible to get one.

As noted to me by the Office of the Texas Attnorney General, if they advertised the unit as having an HDMI port and that port doesn't work, then the consumer has an absolute right to demand safisfaction.
my buddy just got a 622 upgrade last friday, the 622 is the E version
went to walmart and buy hdmi cable hookup from 622 to tv nothing
tv has 2 hdmi inputs so i try both and nothing, i thought it may be the hdmi cable but it sound like another wonderful dish product
ocanyc said:
So how much better is the HDMI vs. Component out of the 211?

I hooked up the HDMI about a week after I received my 211. When installed it was on component. Now HDMI to 2 port HDMI switch to HDMI>DVI output cable from the switch to my HDTV's single HDCP compliant DVI input.

The HDMI output is slightly sharper on all viewing option - Dish HD & SD channels, and OTA digital channels.

No problems with HDMI but, as I posted on another thread, I lost the picture on all Dish channels on a day of 40+ mph winds, and when the Dish picture went out, it also lost the picture on OTA channels. (OTA reception was fine; I fired up my HTPC and OTA was fine on it's tuner card). Had to unplug the unit to do a hard re-bioit to get the picture back. I HATE the fixed power cord! You have do dig behing the componet rack to find the plug to unplug from the power strip.

One observation I have is the 211 always seems "hot" - even with the power button switched off the unit is warm to the touch. Since you see the "floating Dish logo" even when the 211 is switched to off but the TV on, I assuming the 211 doesn't power down as many components in the power off / standby mode as other CE devices do?

CochiseGuy said:
I hooked up the HDMI about a week after I received my 211. When installed it was on component. Now HDMI to 2 port HDMI switch to HDMI>DVI output cable from the switch to my HDTV's single HDCP compliant DVI input and OTA digital channels.

What switch? I thought these didn't work with some cable/satellite HDMI boxes. I'll have three HDMI outputs when my 211 arrives and only one input on TV. Started looking at new receiver with video switching, but wife's not too happy (existing one's only two years old) and price of some of those are more than a good plasma.
The DVI port on my 921 never had an issue. I switched to the 622, got a DVI/HDMI adapter and everything was fine..... for 8 weeks. About 5 weeks ago, the picture disappears, a reboot and check switch brings it back, but two days later it goes again. I wrestled with it another hour or two before surrendering. I unplugged my DVD player's component video (MY TV is maxed for HD Inputs), and plug it into the 622 and I am functional again. I've been watching DVD movies on my XBox 360 since I don't feel like switching cables all the time.....

Still waiting for that software update to fix it...... Working down the backlog so I can get them to send me a new one if they don't get their act together by July or August....
bhelms said:
I briefly looked at my replacement 622's HDMI connector and its connections to the PCB. This is delicate stuff! As I gently wiggled the HDMI plug from the outside I could see some movement of the connector internally. It's not hard to imagine that it would not take a lot of such motion to eventually break a solder connection. I personally believe that is a real cause for some percentage of those who have experienced the problem, especially those who have "solved" it temporarily by wiggling or reinserting the plug. Thermal cycling could also cause an intermittent connection to open-up. Either of these are clearly a hardware issue. Indeed, the problem can be initiated by the user, but "normal" handling shouldn't be allowed to cause this kind of problem.

Thanks, that's an interesting observation. Should try to get some close up pictures of the PCB connection....

Is it surface mount or thru-hole? Is the connector only attached to the PCB (there's no other structural support)? That would be bad. It would sure be interesting if someone with the problem was brave enough to pull the lid and take a look.

Sound like we might have to be real careful moving the box with the cable plugged in (no lateral movement).

I don't really like the feel of the HDMI connector. With DVI you screwed it in and knew it wasn't going anywhere. HDMI seems too easy to pull out (like SATA).
David_Levin said:
Thanks, that's an interesting observation. Should try to get some close up pictures of the PCB connection....

Is it surface mount or thru-hole? Is the connector only attached to the PCB (there's no other structural support)? That would be bad. It would sure be interesting if someone with the problem was brave enough to pull the lid and take a look.

Sound like we might have to be real careful moving the box with the cable plugged in (no lateral movement).

I don't really like the feel of the HDMI connector. With DVI you screwed it in and knew it wasn't going anywhere. HDMI seems too easy to pull out (like SATA).
I looked at the one picture I had that showed the HDMI socket - it's too blurry on magnification to get much from it. It's definitely SMT vs. through-hole, as is most of the main PCB. There is some structure to the socket but I can't remember what that attaches to - I'll look at it more closely tonight and report back...
DSKinTX said:
How widespread is the HDMI problem?
The HDMI output on my 411 stopped working today. Dish insists it is a software problem and didn't want to preplace my unit, but after talking to many people they have finally agreed to replace it.

After talking with dish earlier today, I began playing with the HDMI connection at the 411 and I've gotten it to work again, but it isn't pretty. In frustration I pulled the HDMI cable to the left and suddenly I had a picture. When I let it go the picture was lost again. A pulled it tight again and the picture came back, so I taped the cable in place. It has now been 8 hours and the connection is still working.
Obviously this wasn't a software problem. The HDMI ports on the units themselves I believe are bad or improperly installed.

I already replaced a 411 and 211 receiver. Both started out working good and then the HDMI output started to break down. In both cases the entire picture was green or red. If I jiggle the cable at the output the picture would comeback, but as soon as I let go the picture will return to the one color state. Both times I called the Dish support and both receivers were replaced w/o any problems. I was also told that the problem is software, but that does not make any sense. Why would the software stop working all of a sudden? If you receiver is under warranty, then Dish support should not have giving you any hard time about replacing it. So far my third replaced 211 is working OK, but I bet I will be replacing that one in couple of month with the same problem.

Smart card mailing schedule

Any reason to buy a Dish receiver?

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