Netflix to Begin Cracking Down on Password Sharing

FWIW: Hulu seems to already be doing the periodic device validation thing. For Netflix, I will probably drop down to the HD, 2-stream plan and add in my parents and brother's households. Still cheaper than having 3 separate subscriptions.
FWIW: Hulu seems to already be doing the periodic device validation thing. For Netflix, I will probably drop down to the HD, 2-stream plan and add in my parents and brother's households. Still cheaper than having 3 separate subscriptions.
I do not share, but no way would I give up 4K.
FWIW: Hulu seems to already be doing the periodic device validation thing. For Netflix, I will probably drop down to the HD, 2-stream plan and add in my parents and brother's households. Still cheaper than having 3 separate subscriptions.
I think given the option many would just tack on a few bucks, imo Netflix will generate revenue from this move, moreso than they lose from customers already looking for an excuse to quit (and many of them will come back anyways).
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A little more restricted that I was expecting for a v1, but we'll see where it goes from here. Only real impact to our usage patterns is when we go to grandma's house I'd need to enter a code to authorize the TV my kids use in her play room if they want to watch Netflix (though I'd likely to just not bother and tell them to watch D+ or something instead).

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Wont really impact me much. When I travel or go to watch at the camp, I can enter a code and go about my business.
A little more restricted that I was expecting for a v1, but we'll see where it goes from here. Only real impact to our usage patterns is when we go to grandma's house I'd need to enter a code to authorize the TV my kids use in her play room if they want to watch Netflix (though I'd likely to just not bother and tell them to watch D+ or something instead).

Um, yeah, so no option to pay extra to share with others living elsewhere. Disappointing.
Now they can come out with something a little less restrictive and an option to add another authorized household and it both come across as 'better' compared to something that was never actually implemented and when the dust settles drive revenue growth and increase per-customer value.
So, No Netflix on Phones or Tablets ...?
They would not be on your home IP ...

Majority of phones and tablets at home are likely on the home's wifi.

Additionally, if they've used home wifi recently and accessed Netflix they're a trusted device. Like my kids' Kindles for example, they'll be able to take them to grandma's with no fuss under this.

Otherwise entering a 2-factor code like many other sites just once a week will be a relatively seamless process for most anyways.

Maybe .... they can change thier minds daily if they want.

Sure, but then it becomes counterproductive. They need a consistent, scalable solution.

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