Flat earth non sense

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Jan 25, 2011
My friend started posting things on flat earth stuff. Then he said satellites don't exist. I said excuse me. I can provide you a lot of info that it exist. What do you guys think?
Pythagoras proposed the spherical earth model in 6BC but it didn't fully catch on in some regions until the 1600s. Aristotle essentially proved the spherical model in 330BC.

There are all sorts of contrarian "societies" in every discipline from religion to investing and the flat earthers are one of those groups.

Don't let anyone convince you that you will be struck down by the Flying Spaghetti Monster for being a non-believer.
Amazing that we have the sun and the moon as examples for all to see, and mountains rise from the horizon as we approach, but some still insist that the Earth is flat.
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Maybe it's concave.

<throwing out raw meat icon>

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Well, the earth is definitely not flat as has been proven many times over, but technically it's not round either. NOAA calls the earth's constantly changing shape an "irregularly shaped ellipsoid". ;)

Is the Earth round?
I've always wondered about the single continent Pangeae Model...

If all the landmass is in one area only,
Wouldn't the spin be WAY out of balance?

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Wouldn't the spin be WAY out of balance?
Systems seek equilibrium so over time they either reach it or they fly apart.

As land-dwellers we tend to think of the continents as being what we see above the surface of the oceans but that's clearly not indicative of the land masses.

The Big Island of Hawaii may seem small, but it has two mountains that are over 33,000 feet tall. Distance from the Earth's core plays into that in a big way, but it is folly to ignore the components below sea level as well as the dry land components that are below sea level in elevation.
As the exclusive realtor of all of Pangea, I can assure you all the rumors are false!

Pangea is lovely!

I can arrange for ANY property you might desire!

You will just need a time machine to get to it.

And you just might not be able to breathe the air...

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Implications of extinction
There is evidence to suggest that the deterioration of northern Pangaea contributed to the Permian Extinction, one of Earth's five major mass extinction events, which resulted in the loss of over 90% of marine and 70% of terrestrial species. There were three main sources of environmental deterioration that are believed to have had a hand in the extinction event.

The first of these sources is a loss of oxygen concentration in the ocean, which caused deep water regions called the lysocline to grow shallower. With the lysocline shrinking, there were fewer places for calcite to dissolve in the ocean, considering calcite only dissolves at deep ocean depths. This led to the extinction of carbonate producers such as brachiopods and corals that relied on dissolved calcite to survive. The second source is the eruption of the Siberian Traps, a large volcanic event that is argued to be the result of Pangaean tectonic movement.[34] This had several negative repercussions on the environment, including metal loading and excess atmospheric carbon. Metal loading, the release of toxic metals from volcanic eruptions into the environment, led to acid rain and general stress on the environment. These toxic metals are known to infringe on vascular plants' ability to photosynthesize, which may have resulted in the loss of Permian-era flora. Excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is believed to be the main cause of the shrinking of lysocline areas.[clarification needed]

The third cause of this extinction event that can be attributed to northern Pangaea is the beginnings of anoxic ocean environments, or oceans with very low oxygen concentrations. The mix of anoxic oceans and ocean acidification due to metal loading led to increasingly acidic oceans,[35] which ultimately led to the extinction of benthic species.[36]

Pangaea - Wikipedia
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Some people believe whatever is convenient. If science contradicts that they simply deny science. Nothing new here. It has been going on forever.
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Some people believe whatever is convenient. If science contradicts that they simply deny science. Nothing new here. It has been going on forever.
Doesn't science question established " facts"..if don't question common knowledge we will never learn anything new...today's wackjob scientists may be seen as visionaries in the future...sometimes the lone wolf is correct

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I have a friend who claims the Apollo missions and moon landing's along with the Mars rovers are just fiction produced in some Hollywood studio. When I asked him about Satellites in space he was dumbfounded on what to say about them.
According to scientist The earth is spinning at 1000 miles per hour what would it look like if it wasn't spinning? what would any planets moons, stars look like if they weren't spinning.
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When I asked him about Satellites in space he was dumbfounded on what to say about them.
That satellites exist out to the Clarke Belt (22,000 miles+/-) is certainly no proof that the moon (239,000 miles+/-) is within reach, much less Mars.

To the naked eye, the furthest man has traveled is probably the ISS (240 miles+/-). By the same token, some believe that a space shuttle could jaunt out and repair satellites (probably a result of the Hubble repair and the "alternative" Physics demonstrated the movie Gravity)
According to scientist The earth is spinning at 1000 miles per hour what would it look like if it wasn't spinning?
Miles/hour isn't a practical measure of angular change but the figure comes from the fact that the Earth is about 24,901 miles in circumference (if you believe that it is roughly spherical) so each hour works out to a little over 1000 miles (24901miles/24hours). You don't need to be an astrophysicist (or know what an astrophysicist is) to do the math.

A more realistic way to think about it (since we can't possibly relate to the size of the planet) is this: The Earth is spinning at .0006944 RPM (1 revolution/1440 minutes) so you can't reasonably observe its rotation without measuring tools.
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