first off them plastic antennas dont get 150 miles away.
I'm fully aware of that
Secondly i am sure you put those 3 ufo looking things on a mast about 30 feet high you should be good.
They're not UFO looking things. They are the BEST UHF antenna ever made. The Channelmaster 4251
If you've got some time away stop bugging Media General

and read the link. Its a good read
70 feet really....what one is trying to get, New York City
nope. You have to realize where I live the options are slim. I live in North Central Minnesota which is 100 miles from Minneapolis and 90 from Duluth. If you read the 1st post in the link above (this is so wrong) back in the analog days you had 2 "clear" or "few sparklies" stations and that was KCCW CBS 12 (satellite of WCCO Minneapolis) and KAWB 22 PBS. Otherwise it was really hit and miss.
One thing to note is the Minneapolis market is GIGANTIC! It runs from the Iowa border almost to Canada. (click on the picture below) That has to do with WCCO (CBS O&O in Minneapolis) years ago (mid 80's) buying what was KCMT 7 and KNMT 12 (now KCCO and KCCW) and running them as satellite stations (they rebroadcast WCCO). So all of a sudden the other Minneapolis stations started putting up translator stations in northern and central Minnesota. But they were very low power and in specific spots so if you were say 15-20 miles away you needed them big badass antennas. Folks didnt use them to get DX stations. They used them to get local stations to pipe through their sportsbars, restaurants and hotels (this is before Dish and Directv). Tower systems are kinda the norm around here. My neighbor has one. We had a guide wire setup before the house burned down. It was an antenna probably 30 feet above the roofline of the house which was 2 stories.
Where I live (and I've posted my tvfool report) I can get the following on a consistent basis
CBS 12 (KCCW) (subchannel Decades)....I wouldnt say consistent as I have a UHF only and they broadcast on RF12. It comes in "most of the time" and only if the antenna is facing SW or West
PBS 22 (KAWB) (5 subchannels)
ABC 16 (translator which is ANALOG!!)
FOX 26 (KMSP translator K48IF) but it is very hit and miss. It pumps out a whole 2800 watts and I'm 26 miles away (My and Movies! subchannel). At night it comes in stable..during the day no way
FOX 39 (KQDS Duluth translator K39GG....but again ANALOG...and the antenna has to be NW and its still real fuzzy)
ION 41 (KPXM). That one comes in almost all the time
As you can see I have minimal stations and I have a big 8 bay on the roof of the house with a pre-amp. While I can get Minneapolis at night with minimal blips (depending on weather) they don't come in during the day.
The use of 2 of them hooked together gives them more "collection" of the signal...Since its been up there so long I'm sure it was used to get the low powered analog translators back in the day.