CBS stations return to DISH

Is there a way of recording OTA without having the guide data for name based recording? If there is I have never done it- procedure?
Thanks, Gerry
You surely get OTA stations already without guide data, yes? You would record the same way. It's no longer name-based though.
I have to disagree with the satellite or cable companies being allowed to charge for locals. Yes, they are free, but why doesn't every household get them themselves ? Because it requires work/effort on their part - buying and installing an antenna, connecting it to all of the TVs in their home, etc, etc. The cable and satellite companies provide a service in giving this to customers.
Where I live I can receive NBC ota no problem. CBS and Fox would require a large antenna, no idea how to go about that in this digital age, for all I know it's easier than it used to be. I have always let Dish provide me with NBC/CBS/ABC/PBS, it's easy and a better picture.
All of this will end when the Federal government's local channel monopoly ends. Work to end cronyism by reducing the size of government. Anything else will continue business as usual. Absent that, support local channel A La Carte as a part of a telecommunication law rewrite in the next congress.

Absent that, bend over
The last telecommunication law rewrite is what got us in this mess in the first place...deregulation, consolidation, conglomeration led to oligopolic extortion over multiple markets and a plethora of unrelated content ownership.
The last telecommunication law rewrite is what got us in this mess in the first place...deregulation, consolidation, conglomeration led to oligopolic extortion over multiple markets and a plethora of unrelated content ownership.
Translation: An unfettered, rampant ramajama up the wazoo.
yep, it's clear now that a deal won't be made between CBS and Dish. i bet Dish should just go ahead and get ready for the mass exodus of fed up customers who are tired of paying too much on TV or sick of carriage dispute and try to get their favorite shows in a different way i.e. cut the cord and watch TV via internet.

this is the beginning of the end of paid TV as we know it. i'm sure in 10 years all TV shows, channels and everything else will be via the internet without the need of a paid TV provider as the middle man.
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Mass exodus over CBS? Every time they drop something, people predict a mass exodus- CNN, Weather Channel, etc. Heck, I'll bet they got more complaints over bringing the Weather Channel back than dropping it.
Here is an idea: if there is a Dispute, Dish may uplink the next closest DMA.
Sounds like a great idea ! Too bad it's not allowed.... On the other hand, if I'm not mistaken, Time Warner did it or threatened to do it during a dispute with one of the conglomerates that owns stations all over the country. They didn't give a rat's *** about the rules and if push came to shove, they might have won that battle if the FCC stuck their nose in it because they could argue "it's beneficial to consumers". After all, the federal gov't is supposed to be "of the people, by the people, for the people", right ?
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Not sure about many leaving, but I do think in ten years or so the way we see our tv programs delivered on our tv will be different
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Hooper connect to Internet

Letting 2nd hopper record shows.....I didn't know!

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