DISH Drops AMC Networks (AMC Back on DISH channel 131)

osu1991 said:
AMC knows losing the Dish subscribers is going to hurt them, so they want to urge as many subscribers to switch as they can. If they really cared about their viewers they might offer some sort of compensation for dish customers that are under contract and can't just switch or get off their high horse and offer AMC as a stand alone channel to Dish without the other channels bundled.

Sent from my Toshiba Thrive

Maybe AMC Networks could work with Dish to provide their channels in HD like We TV, IFC, and Sundance Channel. I am sure that could help in gaining viewers on those three channels that were only in SD on Dish.
That would just cause us, the consumers, to pay for 3 more channels that very few of us watch and Dish to use up bandwidth for 3 more HD channels with very very little return. AMC should move what little popular programming there is on those 3 channels to AMC, then their ratings might be commensurate with other top 10 channels, but they won't because they don't want to give up the ad money on 3 low rated channels to make what could be 1 highly rated channel.

Now that they've cancelled The Killing, that is another hour of programming AMC will be minus and one more reason for AMC not to carry them.
osu1991 said:
That would just cause us, the consumers, to pay for 3 more channels that very few of us watch and Dish to use up bandwidth for 3 more HD channels with very very little return. AMC should move what little popular programming there is on those 3 channels to AMC, then their ratings might be commensurate with other top 10 channels, but they won't because they don't want to give up the ad money on 3 low rated channels to make what could be 1 highly rated channel.

Now that they've cancelled The Killing, that is another hour of programming AMC will be minus and one more reason for AMC not to carry them.

We were paying for these channels before they were dropped.

I do not think Sundance Channel plays commercials during movies. It may show a few commercials for its own shows during shows like My So-Called Life. I think movie lovers would watch this one if it was in HD.

IFC shows uncut movies unlike AMC. However, what was upsetting was the move to more mainstream independent films along with adding commercials. I also think movie lovers would watch this one more if it was in HD.

Some viewers like We TV for certain shows like Charmed, The Golden Girls, Frasier, etc. There are some that like its original programming. At least AMC Networks was smart to get rid of Wedding Central and move some of the shows on it to We TV.

AMC also upset me with the addition of commercials as they are too much as well as the editing of commercials. What helps AMC are the original series as they have fans. Many series have been nominated for awards as someone already mentioned.

CSI: Miami was also being advertised as only being on AMC if I recall correctly. However, I thought A&E still showed it. Then, We TV began airing marathons mainly on Fridays before it was dropped from Dish.

I still do not think the replacements of Style, AXS, and HD Net Movies are replacements as many subscribers already had them in their packages or add-ons. I am not sure if I would call them all high-quality either. I do like Axs and HDNet Movies, but like many other channels, some of the programming plays again and again. I do like HD Net Movies the most with no commercials and having uncut movies as well as sneak peeks of movies before they hit theaters.Sundance really did not have a replacement.

However, it was nice of Dish to send free Rokus, give free premium offers, give monthly credits, etc. They could have simply said oh well instead...
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Just don't see it. Those WeTv shows are syndicated on other channels too, TNT (Charmed) and Hallmark for GG and Frasier. The movies can be moved to AMC too, as AMC is the channel with the most name recognition.

It doesn't really matter if every one of AMC's original shows win emmy's, the FACT still remains that it only shows 1-2 hrs of original programming a week. If they want to be known for original programming then start programming additional nights and quit relying on 3-4-5 shows in a single time period spread throughout the year. Use those shows to help launch new shows on other nights. Otherwise they need to go ala-carte / premium, like HBO or Starz and let the people that really want that programming pay for it.

In this day and age of multi-tuner dvr's, I would rather pay a little more for a single channel with lots of good programming than paying a lot more for several channels with very little programming.
How about AMC just allows Dish to take AMC without buying the useless junk (IFC, We, Sundance) that the majority doesn't want to watch. I just don't like this you have to take the value meal, can't buy just the hamburger attitude that these networks have these days.

Or try being like the Turner suite. At least each of their channels are different, and true to their theme. In AMC's case, they have the Three Stooges and Malcom in the Middle on IFC. Last time I checked I want to see Independent Films when I turn on IFC.
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e-mail received from AMC

Dear DISH Subscriber:

Did you know that AMC just received the most Emmy nominations of any basic cable channel? 34 nominations for shows like "Breaking Bad", "Mad Men", "The Walking Dead" and "Hell on Wheels". Yet despite the popularity and demand for these shows, DISH continues to black out AMC, IFC, WE tv, and Sundance Channel. To add insult to injury, DISH continues to charge you for them; you just no longer receive them.

DISH's decision to drop AMC, WEtv, IFC and Sundance Channel had nothing to do with our fees, or our shows. In fact, unlike almost every other dispute you see between providers and programmers, and despite DISH's misleading claims to the contrary, this is not about fees.

The simple truth is that DISH is using their consumers as pawns to attempt to gain leverage in a lawsuit involving an old and unrelated business venture that has nothing to do with AMC, nothing to do with our shows or fees, and certainly nothing to do with DISH subscribers, who just want to watch the shows they love and are paying DISH for. You will not see any AMC Networks' shows on DISH any time soon.

In other words, since DISH's reason for depriving you of AMC programming is based on a lawsuit that won't be resolved for a long time, this problem won't be solved shortly, unlike other disputes between programmers and providers, which typically are resolved in a matter of days (weeks at most).

If you want to watch "Breaking Bad"," Hell on Wheels," "The Walking Dead" and "Mad Men," you will have to switch TV providers. We can help you do that. The good news is, every other cable, phone and satellite company
-- except DISH -- carries AMC in their basic package. Many providers are offering special incentives for people to switch. Call now at 1-855-2-DROP-DISH (1-855-237-6734) and let us help you gain access to the shows your friends and neighbors are watching.

We can help you regain access to AMC, IFC, Sundance Channel and WE tv by calling the above number, visiting Keep AMC Networks or contacting us on Twitter @AMC_Assist.

Thank you for your support of our shows and our networks. We want you to be able to watch the TV you love, and we'll do whatever we can to help make that possible.

AMC Networks
I emailed back to them, politely, that at this time I do not miss AMC, and the one show that we did watch at times is available other places on the internet, but thanks for the email. :)
Yeah I wonder too where they are getting this addresses. I have not received an email. I wonder if they are buying them somewhere. Be interesting if people that don't even have DISH are getting them.
No you cannot send an e-mail from facebook unless you allow your e-mail to be seen. When you "like" an organization you can see their posts, but they cannot mine your e-mail or randomly send mass PMs. Facebook is more secure than people give it credit for. Of course nothing is more secure than not posting the info, but only the information you allow to be disseminated is publicized. You just have to be vigilant and set your security settings.


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