Note from DIRECTV on the DISH / AMC dispute

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Scott Greczkowski

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Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT
Because of a dispute between DISH and AMC, it is likely that DISH will drop several channels from its lineup including AMC, IFC, Sundance Channel and WE.

In the last couple of days, AMC has been airing TV spots about this potential issue.

Unfortunately, DIRECTV customers are also seeing these very same commercials and could become confused or worried about the loss of these channels.

We're sending this communication to inform you that DIRECTV is NOT involved in this dispute and DIRECTV customers will continue to enjoy all the shows and movies on AMC, IFC, Sundance Channel and WE. There will be no interruption in service.

It is very important to reassure our loyal customers and potential customers that they have nothing to worry or be confused about.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

I am sure that there are many subscribers that thought it was their provider as some when asked are unsure what provider they have. I suppose some people are just not into satellite and TV like us at satelliteguysus. :) I would also guess that the messages on the channels and TV spots probably got some angry customers asking why they were dropping the channels or threatening to drop service due to the dispute (unknowingly blaming D*).

I think that I remember similar messages on our TV screen back when we had cable about the Viacom channels when there was a dispute.
I noticed last night WE tv was being dropped by Dish, it came along the top screen, saying Dish will drop WE tv soon.
I believe Direct will start capitalizing on this if it last much longer :)
I am sure that there are many subscribers that thought it was their provider as some when asked are unsure what provider they have. I suppose some people are just not into satellite and TV like us at satelliteguysus. :) I would also guess that the messages on the channels and TV spots probably got some angry customers asking why they were dropping the channels or threatening to drop service due to the dispute (unknowingly blaming D*).

I think that I remember similar messages on our TV screen back when we had cable about the Viacom channels when there was a dispute.

This is so true. Many would be surprised at the responses who their provider is. The offenders usually know if they're on cable or satellite, but more often than not do not know who their provider is.
It really is amazing how many people don't know what satellite provider they have. My neighbor has DirecTV, but calls it "Direct Dish". He was having a receiver problem and called DISH to complain. Then when they told him he wasn't one of their customers he got all worked up about it. He threatened to go up on the roof and rip off the dish and mail it to them. Finally, when I told he was with DirecTV not DISH and his reply was "you mean there's more than one?". " I kid you not.
It really is amazing how many people don't know what satellite provider they have. My neighbor has DirecTV, but calls it "Direct Dish". He was having a receiver problem and called DISH to complain. Then when they told him he wasn't one of their customers he got all worked up about it. He threatened to go up on the roof and rip off the dish and mail it to them. Finally, when I told he was with DirecTV not DISH and his reply was "you mean there's more than one?". " I kid you not.
It really is amazing how many people don't know what satellite provider they have. My neighbor has DirecTV, but calls it "Direct Dish". He was having a receiver problem and called DISH to complain. Then when they told him he wasn't one of their customers he got all worked up about it. He threatened to go up on the roof and rip off the dish and mail it to them. Finally, when I told he was with DirecTV not DISH and his reply was "you mean there's more than one?". " I kid you not.

my dad has had Dish for probably 8 years and still says "cable"
It really is amazing how many people don't know what satellite provider they have. My neighbor has DirecTV, but calls it "Direct Dish". He was having a receiver problem and called DISH to complain. Then when they told him he wasn't one of their customers he got all worked up about it. He threatened to go up on the roof and rip off the dish and mail it to them. Finally, when I told he was with DirecTV not DISH and his reply was "you mean there's more than one?". " I kid you not.

sadly this is the mentality of many Americans these days; ignorance, talk crap 24/7 like they know everything/show always be bowed to, no personal responsibility or accountability and the look at me, do as I say or I'll show you.
I've seen these spots play a number of times on AMC and was wondering when this would pop up--they really are poorly worded: "This is a warning that dish is threatening to drop AMC"... no capitalization, no "Dish Network"--just "dish", which to the general public could mean any type of dish. I work in advertising and the general public has little to no brand recognition (that's what companies fight for), and we aren't the general public on here when it comes to satellite/cable services.

The first thing I actually thought when I saw the ad was that it was worded this way to make sure D* gets a few calls as well as a warning to not try this--and it sounds like they have!

odd Directv is not capitalizing on the issue

They will wait silently untill the real Drop occurs. Then they will attack!

Or it could be, that D* is thinking ahead to their AMC renewal. After all, as Dish says, there are other sources for AMC content, so they have diluted their value. And they have. I expect D* will be offering less money also. Both satcos face the same unreasonable expectations from many providers. The whole house of cards is crumbling. Massive salaries and massive production budgets have to come to an end.
sadly this is the mentality of many Americans these days; ignorance, talk crap 24/7 like they know everything/show always be bowed to, no personal responsibility or accountability and the look at me, do as I say or I'll show you.

HUH? What the hell does this have to do with anything? So someone is ignorant because they don't know what company they have? as for the talk crap stuff and all the other silly stuff you ranted about, uh ok..
DetFan said:
HUH? What the hell does this have to do with anything? So someone is ignorant because they don't know what company they have? as for the talk crap stuff and all the other silly stuff you ranted about, uh ok..

Ummmm, you did read the post that was referring to right? That consumer's behavior fits nicely into his description of how many people act these days.

Sent from my iPhone using SatelliteGuys
HUH? What the hell does this have to do with anything? So someone is ignorant because they don't know what company they have? as for the talk crap stuff and all the other silly stuff you ranted about, uh ok..

LOL go back and read exactly what I commented on; GEEZ.. you should be embarrassed you took the time to try to call me out; when you obviously didn't even take the time to read and understand what was being said.

So I will explain the gist for you; YES, the bottom line that person's actions as explained were being totally ignorant and the whole 'I'll show you' because you are arguing with me and I know better.... in then end; he didn't know anything. Thanks for playing!
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