Twelve Reasons Why NBC Is a Last-Place Network
#12. Karma
#11. Dane and Whitney
#10. "The Firm"
#9. Reliance on Scripted Imports
#8. Yanking Around "Grimm"
#7. Lack of a HUGE Reality Show
#6. "Knight Rider"
#5. Jeff Zucker
#4. XFL
#3. Pulling "Community"
#2. "The Jay Leno Show"
#1. Still Pretending "Friends" Is On
In 1976, NBC unveiled a new logo to replace their ubiquitous peacock. It was fancy-looking N made up of two trapezoids, and it cost more than $600,000 to develop. Thing is, a Nebraska PBS affiliate already had a similar-looking logo — which only cost $100 to design. To avoid a lawsuit, NBC paid a $1 million package to the Nebraska station, along with another $55,000 to, according to Mental Floss, "pay for the costs related to not only the legal battle, but the development and implementation of a new logo."
Moral of the story: NBC has been a screw-up for years; it's only become particularly noticeable in the network's awkward post-"Seinfeld"/"Friends"/"E.R"-era. And that sucks, because they've aired some of the best TV shows of all-time. That's why they're so easy to pick on: we tease because we love. Here are 12 reasons why NBC is in last place amongst the Big Four, with some helpful advice, too.
NBC would also like me to remind you to WATCH "SMASH," THE MONDAY AFTER THE SUPER BOWL, in case you haven't seen the ads for the show every three seconds for the last two months.
#12. Karma
#11. Dane and Whitney
#10. "The Firm"
#9. Reliance on Scripted Imports
#8. Yanking Around "Grimm"
#7. Lack of a HUGE Reality Show
#6. "Knight Rider"
#5. Jeff Zucker
#4. XFL
#3. Pulling "Community"
#2. "The Jay Leno Show"
#1. Still Pretending "Friends" Is On