QUESTION - What Bugs or Usability Issues do you have with your Hopper?

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So I just had my hopper installed earlier today but when I press info on any program I am watching it only shows the pic of the station logo instead of the logo of the show. I just came from a 922 and the show logo always showed up is this a bug?
So I just had my hopper installed earlier today but when I press info on any program I am watching it only shows the pic of the station logo instead of the logo of the show. I just came from a 922 and the show logo always showed up is this a bug?
give it a day or so, it needs to download all the cover art and stuff. just like your 922 did when you got it, or at least that was the case when i got my 922 and hopper.
After using the red button last night to pause one show, then switch tuners to another show the Joey would pixelate and the the picture would be jumpy. At first I thought it was bad signal, but after rewinding it would play fine for a bit then start to do it again.
PTAT: Shows under DVR: timers: PTAT Daily, but schedule info Today: 0 scheduled recordings , 0 conflicts same for tomorrow. Does not show in guide and has never recorded yet. The other timers I have set show in guide and record.
This is working now. PTAT recorded last night. Thank you Dish for fixing this.
I've had mine less than 24 hrs now. Everything has updated fine. My bug is that twice so far, when turning on the Hopper, the display is pink tinted. A reset (front panel red button) will fix it. Anyone else seen this?
I've had mine less than 24 hrs now. Everything has updated fine. My bug is that twice so far, when turning on the Hopper, the display is pink tinted. A reset (front panel red button) will fix it. Anyone else seen this?
Havn't had it happen on the hopper yet but did with the Joey a couple of times. This would happen with my 722k every now and then as well. All you have to do is turn the Hopper or Joey on and off and that should do it, if not just turn your TV off as well when you turn the Hopper or Joey off then both back on. No need for a reset. Here's the thread regarding that bug:
Thanks jay. I tried shutting off the Hopper via remote. It still had the pink. Didn't try cycling the tv, but will next time.
So, last night I had Spartacus and In Plain Sight scheduled to record on my Hooper at 7PM. At 6:55PM my third tuner went to Fox as a PTAT event. It was a baseball game that had a start time of 7PM. I said "no problem" I'll watch Jeopardy on channel 7 via PTAT. Unfortunately the PTAT channel recording was only recording the Fox channel, not the other three. At 7:55 the other three came into PTAT. This is an issue. Why can't we have all four PTAT channels start early if a sporting event causes a tuner to be occupied for an extra hour?
I've had mine less than 24 hrs now. Everything has updated fine. My bug is that twice so far, when turning on the Hopper, the display is pink tinted. A reset (front panel red button) will fix it. Anyone else seen this?

I've seen this on the Hopper, the 722 and my bluray. My understanding is that this is an HDMI sync issue on the decoder end. I fix by cycling through my HDMI inputs till I get back to the device I want to watch. If plugged into the TV cycle there. I'm plugged to a receiver, so I cycle there. Fixes it every time.
ABC's Shark Tank did not show up on my Hopper last night. So pissed. I love that show. Now I have to watch it on Annoying commercials and all. But, now, I can't trust PTAT at all. If it misses one show, it's useless.

Any idea why it wouldn't show up in PTAT? Can anybody else check to see if they have it? I was able to see the last portion of it at the beginning of the What Would You Do? recording. :(
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Just got done with an install and the installer was extremely happy when I told him of the Joey link fix that was posted on here. He had spent about 15 minutes trying to get my Joey to link and it worked the first time. I printed it out and he was going to give it to his manager to distribute as his two other H/J jobs took 3 hours each, with much of that time trying to get the Joeys to link while on the phone to tech support. He is going to sign up here after I told him how useful this place can be!

First bug was definitely the mistake I made going into the My Account app while I was in the process of transferring back programs from my EHD. The thing froze up after I tried to quit and now I have a Joey screensaver displaying on my Hopper TV. Interesting, but the transfer process is still ongoing so I don't want to hard boot until that is done. I did not have a HIC installed as I am direct connected and I cannot see my Windows Media Server on my Hopper but I will keep playing around to see I can get it to show up. So far the picture quality is excellent.

PTAT is saying that it cannot find any guide data. How long was it taking for this to show up on people's systems? 24 hours?
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I'm a newbie and have a couple of questions...

These things do not run well for the first 24 hrs or so. However your drive should work fine. I had a similar problem, and a DIRT member was kind enough to send a hit to my receiver and update my home key, which fixed my EHD immediately.

1) What does "DIRT" mean?
2) I am also having trouble with content on my EHD showing up and wanted to try the suggestion given above but not sure how to go about requesting it...

p.s. So far I am pretty pleased with the functionality of my Hopper/2 Joey setup except for the EHD issue. I have ordered a second Hopper though because of not enough available tuners (my kids primarily record non-network shows so 3 tuners is just not enough for our family)

Thanks and have a great day !

ABC's Shark Tank did not show up on my Hopper last night. So pissed. I love that show. Now I have to watch it on Annoying commercials and all. But, now, I can't trust PTAT at all. If it misses one show, it's useless.

Any idea why it wouldn't show up in PTAT? Can anybody else check to see if they have it? I was able to see the last portion of it at the beginning of the What Would You Do? recording. :(

I've noticed some issues with PTAT as well. Starting yesterday, PTAT simply didn't work at all. It was enabled, but it wasn't functional. It also didn't show up in the guide with the yellow PT tags on the channels.
I've noticed some issues with PTAT as well. Starting yesterday, PTAT simply didn't work at all. It was enabled, but it wasn't functional. It also didn't show up in the guide with the yellow PT tags on the channels.

A buggy PTAT does NOT make the wife happy. Especially if I have to cancel PTAT and go tradional timers for everything. We're down to 3 tuners for the whole house. Not good.
I am appreciating PTAT more and more. You can still save the shows you want keep/watch later and never have to program a timer (except for non PTAT channels of course).
I'm a newbie and have a couple of questions...

Quote Originally Posted by mdavej View Post
These things do not run well for the first 24 hrs or so. However your drive should work fine. I had a similar problem, and a DIRT member was kind enough to send a hit to my receiver and update my home key, which fixed my EHD immediately.
1) What does "DIRT" mean?
2) I am also having trouble with content on my EHD showing up and wanted to try the suggestion given above but not sure how to go about requesting it...

p.s. So far I am pretty pleased with the functionality of my Hopper/2 Joey setup except for the EHD issue. I have ordered a second Hopper though because of not enough available tuners (my kids primarily record non-network shows so 3 tuners is just not enough for our family)

Thanks and have a great day !

DIRT is the Dish Internet Response Team. Click on Forum at the top of the page. Scroll down to the bottom and look for any online members below listed in red. They are the DIRT members. PM one of them and they will help.
PTAT is saying that it cannot find any guide data. How long was it taking for this to show up on people's systems? 24 hours?

My guide data finally downloaded in a few hours after install and I was able to enable PTAT. When setting up my timers again for non-PTAT shows I had made a few without folders before deciding that folders were a good idea but I don't seem to be able to edit the timers I have created. I can find the timers and then the scheduled events where I have the option of editing the timer, but when I select that option it just flashes briefly and the window never appears for me to do the edit. The only way I have successfully "edited" timers is to delete and recreate them which is more work then needed. Has anyone edited timers successfully and if so how did you do it?
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Dish and First Run Movies

Joey and EHD?

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