Nutty Weather?

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I read a news story recently from either CNN or my local news station (ABC or NBC or CBS affiliation) reporting on the cold snap in certain northern European countries.

I cannot recall which country they cited in the article, but the temperatures were somewhere between -5 and -10 (F). They didn't expound on whether that was the low or the high for the day, but it struck me odd as they also reported that 24-30 people died because of this cold weather snap. I don't understand this.
I am sure that the country they referenced is not oblivious to very cold weather, so why did these people perish?

Here in Nebraska, a major blizzard with -10 to -20 F temps and power outages and dump loads of snow and extreme winds are not really rare. I recall a winter in the early 80's when the daytime high never made it out of the negative digits for more than 30 days, but never heard of anyone dying from it.

It makes me wonder if the news got something wrong there or if they were embellishing the story a bit by including traffic deaths blamed on the weather or what. Or if it was just the writer's twist on the story. I got the impression that all those people died because they froze to death. Not because one or two did, and the rest were involved in a winter weather driving accident or a fire in a home because they tried to heat their home with alternative heat like a space heater and had an accident.

There was news reports about a heat wave in Europe a few years back that I recall in the same way. Many people were reported dying from that, too. Kind of struck me in the same way. That story at least sounded more plausible as they included the facts that it was many of the elderly, ill and poor who succumbed to the heat because they did not have air conditioning and were more or less confined to their homes or stifled apartments.

If it were a report on Miami, Florida and they stated that the daytime high was -5 F, I could see this and worse because the infrastructure there is not designed for that kind of weather, but they aren't stating it like that in the news. Yes, sometimes I really wonder about the accuracy of the news reports or what they are omitting from or adding to the story. I would really like to know... as Paul Harvey used to state... "The Rest of the Story".

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They're talking about 6 to 16 feet of snow and temps in the -26 to -30 F area. These are small villages, in impoverished previous war torn areas of Serbia and Croatia and areas along the Black Sea (Romania,Ukraine etc). These areas usually don't see temps below 0F and roads are blocked by snow, so helicopters are the only way to get supplies and medicine in. They are now saying that some of these areas won't be accessible again until spring as temps are expected to remain at 0F for the next 10 days. Large areas are without power and Russia is diverting or limiting a lot of the natural gas supplies from western Europe and sending it into Eastern Europe instead.
60 degrees and somewhat sunny in Ohio today. We've had only 2 inches of snow this winter...This time last year we already had 26. I got to work outside yipppeeee!
60 degrees and somewhat sunny in Ohio today. We've had only 2 inches of snow this winter...This time last year we already had 26. I got to work outside yipppeeee!

But I'm not ready to work outside yet. :river

I wanted a pretty winter snow scape to look at outside my office window before I have to go back to mowing and edging etc.. The dang lawn company showed up to spray my yard today since it was 69. I think we have only had 2 inches of snow also, this winter. This keeps up, I might have to actually clean the garage out.:eek:
The trees and flowers all think its spring here in New Orleans. We had to cut the grass earlier in the month...
Our plants are very confused too. Green pollen dust on our vehicles the last couple of days, which usually doesn't happen 'till the middle of March! :eek:
.......My yard is GREEN.. VERY green.. Everything is growing out of control. I need to mow the yard badly, it's a foot deep in grass! For all of last year the grass mostly died out and turned to barren dirt in huge patches. I only had to mow my yard about 6 times for the entire year and even then it wasn't truly necessary. But now, this was unexpected. The dog has sticks and bones all out in the yard she plays with and I mean BIG sticks, like limbs off an oak tree as big around as my leg. She's also dug up some oak tree roots as trophies and those are scattered around the yard.

This is the most miserable excuse of a "winter" I have ever experienced. Right now, it is 12:50am and it is 70 degrees outside and 100% humidity. It's been raining all day in waves. About every 20 minutes it will rain hard for 2-3 minutes then stop just as suddenly.

Global warming isn't real? Oh really? :tsk:

Any chance Dee your dog is named Clifford and RED?
HUMIDITY! That is why I like the desert. 2%, 6%, maybe 10%. You hang the clothes on the line and come back to the start and take them down.

It was near 50 here today, the little bit of snow we had is gone, I have only ran my snowblower 4-5 times, really could have easily shoveled it all but one of those times. I don't ever recall a winter like this.
They're talking about 6 to 16 feet of snow and temps in the -26 to -30 F area. These are small villages, in impoverished previous war torn areas of Serbia and Croatia and areas along the Black Sea (Romania,Ukraine etc). These areas usually don't see temps below 0F and roads are blocked by snow, so helicopters are the only way to get supplies and medicine in. They are now saying that some of these areas won't be accessible again until spring as temps are expected to remain at 0F for the next 10 days. Large areas are without power and Russia is diverting or limiting a lot of the natural gas supplies from western Europe and sending it into Eastern Europe instead.


Yes, that was the country that I heard mentioned in the report... Serbia. I can recall that now.

I hadn't seen a follow-up on that specific news story and I didn't know where to track it down (which news outlet to reflect back on) to get back to the original story I read. Maybe I caught it on Al Jazeera? I don't know now.

6-16 feet of snow and -26 to -30 F temps could certainly wreak havoc on villages that are "impoverished" or backwoods areas far outside the major cities. That type of weather would be far beyond the reach of the imagination for most. Six or eight feet of snow, maybe not so much, but 16 feet or 20 feet of snow like some areas are getting would certainly be unfathomable to most. Then again, so is 70 degrees in January, twice. And no snow on the ground except a light dusting when we have rarely if ever witnessed that in our lifetimes.

I don't really know what to say. You absolutely cannot blame it on global warming, nor can you blame it on the theories backing a mini ice age nor volcanoes. Maybe on the solar cycles, but they aren't really all that unique just right now from historical patterns that have been previously recorded and studied and researched. So what is it, then? I have read some books long ago regarding drought cycles. One research scientist came up with a theory for droughts (or wet years).

He developed a theory that there were multiple cycles in the weather. That every so many weeks or months or years, decades, centuries and eons that these cycles occur naturally on their own. There were dozens if not hundreds or thousands of these individual cycles. All being natural cycles. But, if two or three or more happen to converge at the same period in time, we get droughts here and floods there.

What would happen if this fellow was right? That these cycles existed, truly in nature? And, what if he just wasn't quite as thorough about it as he thought he was? Maybe this happens more often that we realize? As a pattern. Something that happens in nature that you cannot predict as a meteorologist? Do you really believe that anyone could predict the absolute weather for next Wednesday based upon 50 or 150 or 250 years of precise weather recording? I mean, would it truly help to predict the weather tomorrow if you knew the weather patterns from the same day of the year that occurred in 1675? Or how about in 475 BC?

I personally don't believe so. Far too many variables are involved. Mankind has only been recording these variables for a very short time in geologic history. More appropriately, we have only been here for a nanosecond in time!. Actually, it is better to state that the time frame is even much less than that. But, no one really understands the time involved here. The history of the universe and it's age is so incomprehensible to us as mortal humans. We simply do not have the capacity to even imagine the concept of the universe or it's life time compared to our own duration, a single person's life span is simply too short to understand it.

I certainly don't believe in the end of the world scenarios, I think that those who do are a bit nutty. Everyone believes what they desire. I ain't arguing. I believe in the end of the world, too. But, it ain't happening today. Far from it. We don't have to worry until Yellowstone blows her top. After that, no one in the US will care.

Well, I am just rambling about my thoughts. Everyone should live like there is no tomorrow.

It's never been this hot.Yes it has.
It's never been this cold.Yes it has.
I've never seen anything like this.So,unless you're Mesusala(have no idea if I spelled that right) your frame of reference is less than insignificant.
If this were the good (really) old days I'd be sitting under a mile or two of ice.
The thing is you're rotating on a planet,orbiting a star,spinning around a galaxy,whizzing through the universe and nobody knows what the universe is in.You've never been here before and you'll never be here again.
And finally there is NO such thing as normal,be it weather,people or anything else.
Okay,rant over ;O
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I wouldn't have known how to spell "Methusela" myself. I had to look that up. But, you captured my idea right off the bat. Precisely my sentiments by the way. There is just no way that we can truly attempt to predict the future, by judging from the past, since we sincerely have NO PAST to judge from on this scale. Sure... We can guess at general things and average things, but we don't really know what is going on because we simply haven't been around long enough.

To me, it is akin to the modern people who proclaim or perceive the ancient south American Mayan Indian calender predicts the end of the world. The only way that calender could predict such a thing is if some nut believed it and FORCED it to happen. The Mayan calender only shows to me that they were extremely intelligent about the planets and the stars, maybe even more than we are. Yeah. Without telescopes they, the Mayan Indians KNEW more than anyone did even beyond the 1800's and maybe even now. And their culture was gone before we got a chance to understand them.

In simple terms, we don't have a CLUE what is going on in the world!


I wouldn't have known how to spell "Methusela" myself. I had to look that up. But, you captured my idea right off the bat. Precisely my sentiments by the way. There is just no way that we can truly attempt to predict the future, by judging from the past, since we sincerely have NO PAST to judge from on this scale. Sure... We can guess at general things and average things, but we don't really know what is going on because we simply haven't been around long enough.

To me, it is akin to the modern people who proclaim or perceive the ancient south American Mayan Indian calender predicts the end of the world. The only way that calender could predict such a thing is if some nut believed it and FORCED it to happen. The Mayan calender only shows to me that they were extremely intelligent about the planets and the stars, maybe even more than we are. Yeah. Without telescopes they, the Mayan Indians KNEW more than anyone did even beyond the 1800's and maybe even now. And their culture was gone before we got a chance to understand them.

In simple terms, we don't have a CLUE what is going on in the world!

I can't wait for: africanized bees, brown recluse spiders, huanta virus mice, termites, scorpions, fire ants, bot flies, nutria. Come on folks, lets melt those friggen ice caps. Hurry up at it too. I bought a bunch of land on the East side of the Appalachians I want to develop as oceanfront luxury condos.
The attitude of keep up the status quo for planetary stewardship is very convenient isn't it? Same issue with reducing the deficit, nobody wants to pay for it. So we shut our eyes and plug our ears and chant "theres nothing wrong ".

The silent generation before the baby boomers knew something about, patriotic duty, conservation and actual conservatism. The current generation is useless. We are doomed until we as citizens taxpayers are allowed to kick any elected official in the crotch when ever we feel like it.

If you don't like the normal weather in Minnesota Move the EFF out!!! We don't want you here. We don't want to hear your complaining. We know it's you cutting in line on the freeway too. Take your Snowphobic attitude to a warm climate and be effing happy "all of the time", not just when it is biblical sign of the Apocalypse unusual weather .

Stop Complaining, Move!
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.....If you don't like the normal weather in Minnesota Move the EFF out!!! We don't want you here. We don't want to hear your complaining. We know it's you cutting in line on the freeway too. Take your Snowphobic attitude to a warm climate and be effing happy "all of the time", not just when it is biblical sign of the Apocalypse unusual weather .
Stop Complaining, Move!
If you have no family ties or other reasons that hold you to a place, it would be easy to just pull up and leave anytime. But, some of us are really stuck in place. When I am so tight with my Sister, (only family member left) I would not want to be 1600-1800 miles away from her.

If you can't change it or don't have the "where-with-all" to change your own environment why bother complaining? This lack of winter-like weather has been devastating to the outdoor recreation industry. Jobs and homes lost, business failing, bankruptcy, loan defaults. It's terrible. I guess if you like the heat, go stand next to somebodies house that is burning down and say, "Oooo doesn't the warmth feel nice? Let's make some s'mores...nummy!" See what type of reaction you get.
If you have no family ties or other reasons that hold you to a place, it would be easy to just pull up and leave anytime. But, some of us are really stuck in place. When I am so tight with my Sister, (only family member left) I would not want to be 1600-1800 miles away from her.


Yeah, my Mom just passed away a few months ago and my Dad needs my help now. I can't move. I wish I could but I can't.
And Dad has already lived longer than his Mom and Dad did and longer than his siblings (he's one of six).. So I'm worried about losing Dad at any moment even though he's pretty healthy. Longevity isn't a family trait. :cry:
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