I get new HD, mom down the road does not


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Nov 16, 2008
Green Bay, WI
She has two dishes like me and a 722. I have two dishes and a 622, 612. We live within a half mile of each other and I get the new HD and she doesn't. How can I figure out why?

Thanks, pfan
Also things like are you in the same county? You could be on a dividing line of which local channels you receive. A lot more information is needed:

1. Is she in the same county?
2. Does she pay the $10 HD enabling fee
Does she have the 722 in HD? with a HD tv? does she have HDMI cable or component cable? is it on a yellow and red white cables? Way way more info needed. Your post is like calling a mechanic saying one of my tires I think is not working properly and then have him tell you whats wrong and have him guess which tire is bad.
Also are you on 110,119,129 and is she 110,119,61.5? just cause she has 2 dishes and you have 2 dishes does not mean ur getting the same channels. I have 2 dishes and I get 110,119,129 & 61.5
Sorry about my fuzzy post, honestly I do know better.

1. She has AT200 just like me with a 722 with HD and HDMI cable

2. We are in the same county

3. She pays the HD enabling fee, as she gets all the other HD channels

How can I tell what satellites her and I receive with our 2 dishes? I am a somewhat regular reader of this forum, and I'm guessing she'll have to pay to get a person out to repoint the sats if they are pointed at the 'wrong' ones?

This seems a bit funny how we pay the same for the same package with different channels, haha. Sorta like how ESPN Classic was taken away.

Thanks for your insight, pfan
When the latest HD channels were added, I did not get about half of them (BBC America was one of them).

I called about the issue, and they finally sent a re-hit, that solved all the problems. So it's probably as simple as them sending a re-hit to your mother's receivers.
Dish seems to have a bit of a problem with that. It's happened to multiple people on about the last THREE rounds of HD channel additions!
If you and your mom both have two dishes in Green Bay and she isn't getting the new HD I bet that you have a 1000.2 110/119/129 with a 61.5 wing while she has a 500 pointed at 110/119 and a wing at 61.5.

If it's an authorization issue the channels would at least show up red in the all channels guide without map downs, up in the nine thousands I think.
Before I start climbing up on her roof and changing these dishes and things I wanted to paint a better picture of Mom's situation. She has what appears to be two 500 dishes, her original dish pointing SW which wasn't HD, green in the pic. The other newer HD dish 500 is pointing SE represented by red line in the pic, this dish also has "DP PLUS" on it.

Her menu-6-1-3 screen has 119, 110, and 61.5. From what little bit I know about this, I want to repoint the 61.5 to the 129, correct? Are the linked instructions how to do so? Help a totally lost and confused son out, thanks, pfan. satellite situation.JPG
If you have 110, 119, and 129 on your Menu, 6, 1, 3, and you are satisfied with all your channels, then yes, re-aim her 61.5 to 129.

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