Dear Brighthouse....


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Aug 4, 2006
Just a warning,

If you become lame and put caps on Internet Usage to 5GB like AT&T, Comcast and TWC are *trying* I won't pay "overage" fees, I'll just leave.... And take my cable & phone service elsewhere.

It's one thing to go after that 1% that uses 80% (which I'm fine with...I really don't do anything too excessive) , but it sounds like a lot of these ISPs are just trying to make an extra buck now (and prevent VOIP, HULU, Netflix, Slingbox, etc)....

But I'm sure Brighthouse will keep their plans fair, and wont' do anything 99% of us would notice...right? ;)

It is the commonly used trick of citing a real problem created by a small percentage of people but where the "fix" affects many other than the transgressors, and, oh by the way, results in increased revenue collected from far more people than the real offenders.

Don't you get so tired of being treated like an idiot by companies--and by the government? One day it is going to boil over.

Packaging far larger than the contents (it settled, you know).
14.65 oz instead of 16.
Quantity getting smaller (look at toothpaste). 48 oz in a "half gal" of ice cream.
LiON disk batteries in packs of two minimum.
Bundles of channels containing far more than you want, but no a la carte available.
The rich should pay more (their "fair share") even though they are already paying 90% of tax revenue.
Having more oil than the middle east but not extracting it.
Being told YOU are responsible for the world's ills, and YOU are arrogant.
What decline? They just won another JD power award. Their increased again and remains the highest in the cable industry and higher then the 2 sat providers. It dropped from last year but that was industry wide.

I to think this overage thing will suck. I mean i can understand the reasons behind it as I see the network issues all day long, with a small group of users shutting down whole service areas because of their excessive usage. Mainly due to p2p file sharing majority of it being illegal activity anyway. I think a fair cap would be somewhere around the 250gb a month limit or so. Thats way more then the avg user will use and increaseing the cap as the user increases speed, example turbo has higher cap then say standard vs lite etc.
Yeah I agree with you Insider. 250gb for standard RR would be fair. Of course if they could just go against peopel doing illegal things, problem would be solved....
The FCC already said they cant. Remember the fight comcast was having about blocking bittorrent. And they were not even blocking it completely only throttling it. on most systems.
Also that 250GB number has been floating around for some time, I think because somthing like .01% of BHN customers reach that in a month and the main goal is to slow down those top .01% of abusers who use way more then their share of the network resources.
i hate to repeat myself again but i use to brag about your customer service. i can't do that anymore. had to call and beg for my 20 dollar ontime guarantee the other day when the technician didn't make the window and didn't bother to call and tell me he was running 3 hours late. even, directv calls and their customer service ain't nothing to write home about sometimes. at least, they gave me $300 in bill credits last year. all you folks have given me is more grey hairs!
Your experiance is certainly not anywhere near the majority.

BTW does Directv offer a credit when they are late? Do they give you a 2 hour window? Do they give FREE service calls? Will they come out and replace the box when it goes bad for free? Heck they will charge you for the protection plan service and if you decide you dont want the plan any more charge you to cancel it!

Heck even if your leased receiver goes bad D will charge you shipping.
actually, i have protection plan and they don't charge me shipping so get your facts straight for starters. they will also bring me a new receiver and hook it up for me because of my disabilities although they aren't suppose to.

do you want me to tell you how many people have cancelled your service because their boxes crap out every other day?

no, directv doesn't give me an ontime guarantee? they gave me a $60 credit on my anniversary date plus 3 months free showtime and that was after they already gave me a $120 bill credit. and from time to time, if there was a problem with a service call or installation, they have given me bill credits ranging from $15 to $120.

directv gives you a 4 hour window on a service call they don't charge me for. they also have the courtsey to call if they are running late in case i want to resked.

your road runner national service desk has had numerous opportunities to change my landline number in their files for 3 years now.

trust me, this is the worst service i have had from your company in many years. and as i said it isn't just me.......many of my friends have cancelled your service.

there are good and bad factors with all services. until about a year or so ago, i never had problems with your customer service and your product. its really sad i can't say that anymore.
Do you pay for that service plan? If so then you pay for your service calls through that plan.

Any company will 'give' you credit if you bitch enough about somthing. So will brighthouse. BHN though is one of the only 'tv' companies I know of who gives you the credit without needing to complain. The on-time gurantee is in most cases automated, with the TOA (a program the tech use's) system. Its also suppose to automatically call when it judges if the tech will be late or not. However like any system sometimes it may fail.

I can tell you the number of people who have switched from service X to service B. It happens with any. The fact of the matter is though still scores higher in EVERY category from every third party polling/testing system. Its not perfect, never will be often things will slip through the cracks it happens from time to time with any comapny. Im sure the same complaints you have about BHN goto the dish or direct sections of this site youll see the same complaints their.

Sorry you have had so much trouble and if theirs anything I can do to try to make it bettter for you please let me know, but lets at leats be realistic about it.
You two can keep at it with one defending BHN to the hilt and the other saying they are missing the boat. Neither of you will convince the other. Can't you see that?

Trust me, the market will sort it out so long as sufficient competition is not prevented. If insider is right, BHN will do well. If the OP is right, BHN will lose market share.

The above will inevitably hold true so long as the government does not tip the table in favor of one or the other by regulations or taxes. If they take favor of one or the other, then all bets are off, and the consumer will be s****** yet once again by the government.
so from all of this do you guys think that bright house will put caps on service like time warner is doing? Cause if this is the case i think i am finding another internet provider just wondering
The FCC already said they cant. Remember the fight comcast was having about blocking bittorrent. And they were not even blocking it completely only throttling it. on most systems.

Yeah, you would think the Feds would be more worried about ISP trying to double the cost of Internet Service (like TimeWarner is doing with RoadRunner) than ISP's going after people doing illegal things....

I just think it's funny how Cell Phones are really pushing "Unlimited" Nationwide Calling, meanwhile ISP's (like at&t ironically) are pushing against Unlimited. At least with Cellphones though we have a decent (although not massive) list of choices. With ISP's....not so much. I have Brighthouse or Embarq. Ugh. Only one of those is a decent company...
Don't worry Guys. The new bunch in government will certainly make sure you pay higher taxes on everything by the end of this year. I mean EVERYTHING. They have to make up for all the pork barrel spending disguised as stimulus. Bush started it and Obama will take it to the 10th power. Businesses will pass on their higher taxes to the consumer as higher prices.

Be prepared..
[ame=""]YouTube - The Obama Deception HQ Full length version[/ame]
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Um, what does that have to do with ANYTHING?

The fact is, the government SHOULD watch a company with a virtual monopoly (cable in many areas) so they don't take advantage of people...

I don't care if you love Obama or hate him, that has nothing to do with these boards...
What politics might do to your cable access/prices has nothing to do with these boards? Where did THAT come from?

A specific law, sure.....but I don't really come here to learn the "truth" about Obama unless it has to do with my Brighthouse rates, Anti-Trust, Internet-Fairness, etc.

does anyone know when vios will be avaible in nj

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