4/9/2009 7:04pm - Uplink Activity Report - 27 changes

I am also an Absolute sub. I don't neccessarily understand why I get some new HD but some I dont. Like others I am not getting Fox News, Nick, MTV, and VH1. Does anyone know why? Is it contractual? If it is, why would they choose to allow (CMT) and not (VH1) for example?
"Krod Mandoon" is HD on Comedy Central HD, but not my favorites, TDS(w/JS) and TCR. And Ditto on the large amounts of "video noise". Sorry about the moire noise (color bands caused by zooming in too far) but you can easily see the black lines that we're seeing. The question is whether they're coming from Comedy Central or introduced by DishNetwork.


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I'll also echo the observations about Comedy Central HD. Lots of strange, blocky artifacts. Little black rectangles. Certain areas of the image macro-blocking out. I watched the premiere of Krod Mandoon earlier. The imagery was pocked with those artifacts and the video quality was very soft -like a badly up-converted DVD. South Park looked a bit better.

I suspect Comedy Central HD is either getting very severely data compressed (more than what the other channels undergo) or there is a technical problem with how the video is being handled at some stage of the process.

OTOH, SpikeHD is looking pretty good. Watching the Game Trailers show right now.
Comedy Central looks like they are getting it from a bad analog feed, if there were such thing as a high definition analog feed.
No chance until Summer when the current contracts expire so E* says. I'm not even sure Speed does much HD.

Speed has a lot of ethnic programming (and they aren't descriminating as to which). Was watching F1 race last weekend and saw a really loud promo for some regular white guy racing a bunch of different things, they are launching a new lowrider with some wowza hot pair of hispanic hooters, and of course the redneck's have NASCAR and pinkslips and drag racin'. All of the afoward mentioned promos are in HD, plus although the F1 appeared to be some upconverted stuff, last year they had true HD races so I'm sure the reason was just that they were in Malaysia.

I don't know why Dish people moan over these viacom channels. Two weeks ago Comedy Central aired the new Gaffigan special in HD and the new South Park was done in that manner. That's it for CC. MTV, VH1, CMT all on occasion have had something on that caused me to flip to see if it was in HD and every time it has not been. Spike does do UFC and TNA Wrasslin' and I think the CSI shows there in true HD, some show last year with Marky Mark Wahlberg was in HD but I saw that through the 360.

In all seriousness, I've had to be cautious when the missus watches the Dish box because if she ever found out they show Lifetime and LMN in HD, with actual HD programming, for only $30 a month, she'd never leave my room.
In response to the comments about artifacts, I just did a run through of the new channels. I'm on Eastern Arc.

No artifacts observed on any of the new channels. Most had upconverted SD programming, but that looked as good as usual--which is better than regular SD. What little actual HD I saw looked about like most of the HD programming I see, good but not great. I wouldn't cull any of the new channels based on picture quality.
First post... Great Forum.. Does anyone have a projected date for Speed in HD? It would be great to be able watch the Barret Jackson Auto auction in HD.. I am very pleased that I have "finally" gotten all but 1 local (NBC), and at least 5 of the Viacon channels.
Watch the MECUM auctions on HDNET, they are great!!!!!!!
Wow, 6 more channels in HD that I will never watch. I just want Speed in HD and my local NBC in HD and I will never complain again. OK, never is a long time--maybe I won't complain for a long time then. :D
Why the hell is N at the high number of 9576 instead of near the rest of the kiddie channels that start at 169 ? They don't usually put a channel in the 9500 range unless they are in HD or a public interest channel.

They should put it on to 168 and move Spike. Spike is right in between kids and music and doesn't fit. It is there because it used to be TNN when it was a music channel. 137 is a good place for it and QVC can be moved pretty much anywhere.
My guess is that this Noggin.The N split was a last minute thing. I would expect the N to be mapped down at some time soon.

I believe this is part of the hold up with Viacom. The Nick GAS feed should be ending and replaced with The N. Maybe the The N location is temporary until moved the channel to the right location.

Logo, MTV Hits, VH1-Pure Country, and can think of the other channel are mix and match channels with the operator (past on past dealings) to include in their digital mux.

We will probably not see these channels anytime in the future.
Progress at last. Even though we haven't gotten that much new actual HD content, I wonder if we're not looking at this from the wrong angle. Should we expect HD content to drive subscribers, or perhaps, should we expect that the number of HD subscribers will drive HD content. Given the costs of equipment and conversion, I'm betting on the latter.

Anyway, congrats to us all, and thanks Digi, Scott and the rest of the folks for keeping us informed (and keeping the pressure on you-know-who to deliver).

4/14/2009 11:48am - Uplink Activity Report - 3 changes


4/15/2009 1:38pm - Uplink Activity Report - 74 changes

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