Gas Price Info With National Gas Temperature Map

In Michigan as of this morning gas prices vary from 1.85-1.95, we will see if there will be any decrease with oil prices going down in a bit?
$1.79 Yesterday here also. Wal-mart is a little cheaper, but I don't like their gas.
I am of the impression from past articles that Wal-Mart uses Murphy Oil Corporation out of El Dorado, Arkansas as much as possible. In areas where that is not possible, they buy independently from an area low cost source. Such as Tesoro Corp and Sunoco.

Murphy Oil


Gas in the michigan area around 1.95, unless Costco around 1.80ish, not sure with oil being at 35 dollars or so...guess go with the flow
I'm waiting for the prices to drop again but it looks like OPEC is going to do something about it once again. We may have seen the lowest prices that we will ever see again unless things get very very bad.
Noticed this morning that the place with alcohol in their gas is $1.82.
Noticed this morning that the place with alcohol in their gas is $1.82.

Since 2007 ALL gas sold in the US has ethanol up to 10% as they outlawed MTBE and ethanol is the replacement. :) Unless of course the referenced station is home brewing their own. :D

BTW- Price of gas around here has increased ~40 cents a gallon in 2 weeks. But cost of crude has also risen to $46 and hit a low of $36 two weeks ago. I just filled up yesterday afternoon at Hess and paid $1.86 but later in the day they raised the price to $1.92.

Chaparral manufacturing/engineering software and firmware lot on eBay

The guy on the customer service phone from WeaKnees is a complete jerk.
