eastern arc in cincinnati

Eastern Arc is 77º, 72.7º and 61.5º. The system most all existing customers in this area have is at 110º and 119º (Dish 500) If you have HD you may have a Dish 1000 that also gets 129º or a second dish pointed way to the left of the Dish 500 pointed at 61.5º

The Cincinnati HD locals are at 77º. Absolutely NO ONE in this area has a dish pointed at that location yet. So, yes. You need new equipment. A Dish 1000.4 or at the very least another dish to point at 77º and a DPP44 switch to be able to see 4 locations at one time.

As for me...the antenna I have picking up OTA HD channel will do just fine for the time being.
Dish is coming out Friday so we can get our Cincy local channels in HD. One rep told us they were installing a new dish. I assumed the 1000.4. Today I spoke with the installer when they confirmed the appointment and she said they were installing a second dish 500. Can I request the 1000.4 since the direction for those satellites would be better anyway to keep me from having to cut down trees and obstructing limbs every few years? Since I have had DN over the past 11 years, we have cut down a dozen trees and spend nearly $400 doing this. The last tech that came out said he didn't know why they had not installed the dish to point to the 61.5, etc. satellites in the first place.
I have a dish 1000.4 pointed at 72, 77, and 61.5 , so does a couple of my neighbors. They will want to put up a wing dish (dish 500 with a single LNB) but I told them no and made them put up a 1000.4. If you keep telling dish that you do not want 2 dishes then they will finally cave a give you a 1000.4. also you have to have VIP receivers for eastern arc with the new purple smart cards in them to work.
I have a dish 1000.4 pointed at 72, 77, and 61.5 , so does a couple of my neighbors. They will want to put up a wing dish (dish 500 with a single LNB) but I told them no and made them put up a 1000.4. If you keep telling dish that you do not want 2 dishes then they will finally cave a give you a 1000.4. also you have to have VIP receivers for eastern arc with the new purple smart cards in them to work.

I had the same thing happen to me when I found out that Cincinnati HD locals were available. I called in to request the 1000.4 dish pointed at 72/77/61.5 to replace my existing 1000.2 pointed to 129/110/119. I was told that "their system would not allow them to add an existing customer to Eastern Arc," and that a second dish pointed at 77 would be required. I told them a second dish would be unacceptable and that I would cancel if a second dish was required. I went through a regular CSR, then a supervisor, and was told no. I then asked if a retentions department was available, (couldn't remember what the correct term was) and they transferred me to them. I was told no again, and asked if there was a supervisor. He transferred me to his supervisor who agreed to install a 1000.4 pointed to 72/77/61.5. Just to make sure, I opened a chat session with Dish and asked what date the work was scheduled for, and was told it was a dish 1000.4 install, pointed to the EA satellites. My appointment is scheduled for 1/29, we will see what actually happens!
Here in Cincinnati

Eastern Arc is 77º, 72.7º and 61.5º. The system most all existing customers in this area have is at 110º and 119º (Dish 500) If you have HD you may have a Dish 1000 that also gets 129º or a second dish pointed way to the left of the Dish 500 pointed at 61.5º

The Cincinnati HD locals are at 77º. Absolutely NO ONE in this area has a dish pointed at that location yet. So, yes. You need new equipment. A Dish 1000.4 or at the very least another dish to point at 77º and a DPP44 switch to be able to see 4 locations at one time.

As for me...the antenna I have picking up OTA HD channel will do just fine for the time being.

I've got a 1000.2 and a 2nd dish @ 77 for my local hd Here in Cincinnati.
They just put ALL this up on the 13th.
Dish is coming out tomorrow and pull it all down and install 1000.4 system.
Columbus, OH is a WA city. Anyone can use this lookup tool: hxxp://www.dishretailer.com/dmalookup.html Replace hxxp with http.
Columbus, OH HD is going to be on CEIL-2. A DISH 1000.2 or 1000+ is what will be needed. Columbus is on Western Arc.
How did you manage to pull that off???
I want it done right the first time.

It wasn't all that hard. I had to play the bad guy on the phone multiple times. That can be fun tho. New dish set up and 2 new HD dvrs (total of 3 HD dvrs)
and the America 250 for the same price I had with 1 hd and 1 non hd dvr.

They showed up at 11 am and pulled 2 dishes off the roof.
Installed the new 1000.4 and ran 1 new cable from the outside to my Pioneer plasma. The supervisor said he didn't like the looks of the old cable.
Fired everything up and PRESTO!

I'm good to go.
And at no additional charge.

Dish Network has a contract with Digital Dish out of Millersburg OH.
All new customers in the state of Ohio get installed by them. They are called the ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT PROVIDER by DN.

They also do repair and upgrades.
Calling them gets you a quicker appt. than by calling DN.
Digital Dish - 1-800-893-1991
I live in the Cincinnati Ohio local market and I have the Dish 1000.4 dish. I called a Dish when I found out that the Cincinnati Ohio local channels are on the Satellite. I called Dish and told them that I do not have HD locals and would like to get them off the satellite. I also get HD locals via antenna, but I told Dish that I had no local channels. So Dish came out and put in the 1000.4 Dish. So now I get HD locals via Satellite and antenna. So I can record 2 HD local channels. I got the Dish 1000.4 and the DPP44 switch upgrade for free. I am now also leasing 2 VIP 622's and 2 VIP 612. I got Dish to lease me 2 more HD receivers. Now I have every thing on Dish instead of 2 HD TV's on Dish and 2 on Direct Tv.
I live in the Cincinnati Ohio local market and I have the Dish 1000.4 dish. I called a Dish when I found out that the Cincinnati Ohio local channels are on the Satellite. I called Dish and told them that I do not have HD locals and would like to get them off the satellite. I also get HD locals via antenna, but I told Dish that I had no local channels. So Dish came out and put in the 1000.4 Dish. So now I get HD locals via Satellite and antenna. So I can record 2 HD local channels. I got the Dish 1000.4 and the DPP44 switch upgrade for free. I am now also leasing 2 VIP 622's and 2 VIP 612. I got Dish to lease me 2 more HD receivers. Now I have every thing on Dish instead of 2 HD TV's on Dish and 2 on Direct Tv.

I put an external antenna up 2 years ago. Now that we have local HD thru Dish, recording 2 networks in HD at the same time does come in handy!

Happy with Dish in Cincinnati!!!
Columbus, OH HD is going to be on CEIL-2. A DISH 1000.2 or 1000+ is what will be needed. Columbus is on Western Arc.
Columbus' HD locals are currently on CIEL-2 in "test" mode but I really question if they'll stay there and not move to an Eastern Arc satellite. It doesn't make any sense for Columbus to be on the "west" system. Their SD locals are currently on 129' though, so for current customers, that would be a good thing.
What was the total cot of updating to the HD locals? I would probably need the dish upgraded to the 1000.4.


// Scott A

Scott A
I did not pay anything for the HD upgrade, the new 1000.4 dish or installation.
My monthly payment remained the same also.
PM me if you want more details.
What was the total cot of updating to the HD locals? I would probably need the dish upgraded to the 1000.4.


// Scott A
There is no additional cost to get locals in HD if you already have the local channels. But you will need an additional Dish 500 to get the channels or try to get them to install the Dish 1000.4 And you will have to deal with the idiots removing your local SD channels until the work order is completed. I have gone through a nightmare with Dish, hours on the phone, going to the top to get my locals back on until the work order is completed. Seems they want to remove your SD locals when they place the work order to install the dish to get the locals in HD. And I am not alone. Check out my post under Cincinnati HD nightmare. http://www.satelliteguys.us/dish-network-forum/162130-cincinnati-local-channel-hd-nightmare.html

Adding DVR to system

DVR625 On End
