Louisville, KY HD locals

In Louisville 41 and 15 do have HD over the air but as of now you will not be able to get HD on 41 or 15 from the satellite. I will not have to pay for the upgrade or extend my contract. I'm hoping they will be able to hit 77 with a single dish because I live in the woods and it's not easy, I'll probably entice the installer with a very large tip if he can get it. One other note when they set this up they disconnected my locals. She said after I get 77 they will come back. This means I'm out of luck for the locals on the satellite until the install.
I was also told that I'd lose my locals until the new satellite was installed, although I've not yet lost them.
For those that are having the 1000.4 satellite installed is that in addition or in replace of the current dish? I'd like to do this so I can get the HD locals, but don't want two dishes on my house.

replace, my parents have 2 dish 500's and now it will be one 1000.4
I called Dish this morning and was told by tech support that if they added I think rep said wing dish I would only get the 3 HD locals changes and not the other locals that are SD only. Rep said that this would cause me to lose some NFL games on Sunday since I would no longer have local FOX since it is not in HD. Does anyone know if I would lose the SD only locals or if just misinformation from the rep?
Does anyone know if I would lose the SD only locals or if just misinformation from the rep?
I hooked up a dish at 77 and all nine locals are on it. 3, 11 & 32 in HD only and the rest in SD. I did not call Dish so no programming changes are needed.
I will gladly do it, since I live over 50 miles from the stations, and there is quite a bit of rugged terrain between me and them. I've yet to find anyone who says I can get the HD quality at that distance considering the terrain.

I've talked to several people who sell antennae's in this area, and none have had good results.

OK. There was no mention of said location, terrain, nor how far from the digital transmitters. That's all that had to be said, not the face-slapping that some replied.
So if I understand this correctly, Louisville HD is on 77. Currently I have a 500 dish for 110 and 119, and a 300 "wing" dish for 61.5

If I replace my 300 dish with a 1000.4 dish I can receiver both 77 and 61.5 on it?

They installed a small Dish 500 with a single LNB pointed at 77w in addition to my 1000.2 setup aimed at 110/119/129 here in the LR, AR area.

Of course, only KATV and KTHV are available in HD. KARK and KLRT (NBC and Fox) are still SD only. They still aren't installing EA setups (1000.4) in Arkansas, though they are in parts of Texas, which is also partially EA.
So if I understand this correctly, Louisville HD is on 77. Currently I have a 500 dish for 110 and 119, and a 300 "wing" dish for 61.5

If I replace my 300 dish with a 1000.4 dish I can receiver both 77 and 61.5 on it?


I have your same setup. I'll probably move over to EA. Set up 1000.4 and you can eliminate the 110/119 dish.
I have your same setup. I'll probably move over to EA. Set up 1000.4 and you can eliminate the 110/119 dish.

Thanks, I guess I need to educate myself a little bit more on this. The eastern arc is 3 sats......61.5, 72.7, and 77....is that correct?

So your're saying for me in Louisville, these 3 satellites would cover everything that's on 110/119 and as long as my line of sight is ok, there would be no problem using these sats instead of 119/110.

Well, we just got done with the install. In Louisville they will try and use the 10.4 dish if you have MPEG4 and the new card and use the eastern arc. With my install because living in the woods I have to have a separate dish for 129 and 77 and then one dish for 110 and 119. This means I have 3 dishes which is OK because you really can only see one of the dishes in front of the house. The install was tough, it took 3 1/2 hours. The installer was great and patient. He spent about 25% of his time getting the OK to do the job not using the 10.4 dish. They also used a 44 switch. He also fined tuned the dish that has 110 and 119. I'm happy. Great job for the installer. Did I say I was happy.
As long as you have all MPEG4 receivers and the new smart cards.

Thanks, I'm currently using 3 722's and a DPP44 switch. Within the last couple of months Dish sent me two new smart cards, said the 3rd receiver didn't need a card.

One last dumb question. If I installed a 1000.4 on my own, does Dish have to do anything on their end for me to use the new sats?
One last dumb question. If I installed a 1000.4 on my own, does Dish have to do anything on their end for me to use the new sats?

Nope, just need to do a check switch on each receiver. And you won't need the DPP44 but you can use it if you want. The 1K.4 can feed three receivers directly.
One other thing I thought was a little interesting. When they installed the dish for 77 they said I was the first person in southern Indiana to get locals HD off the satelllite.
My experience -- I have a 1000.2 dish @ 110, 119, 129 locations to a Vip-622 and I've upgraded the smart card.
I go online and talk to a tech rep and ask for someone to come out and upgrade my dish to 1000.4 and put me on EA so I can get Louisville locals. Tech says sorry, EA is only for new customers. So I copy a link to this forum and tell him these guys got it installed. He comes back and tells me the customers in this forum got it because they had a wing dish installed. Ok with me, put in a wing dish. Installation set up for last Sat.
Last sat comes and goes and no installer shows. No phone call, nothing and we were home all day waiting. Sat night I go online and talk to general chat rep. States my appointment was rescheduled and I had to ask three times as to what day and time it was rescheduled to as I did not receive any notification about this. Robotically repeats apology but that's it. I'm ticked but not enough to email CEO, so I wait till Friday for new install.
Installer shows yesterday on time. Wants to put a second dish in for 77 location. I try to talk him into 1000.4 dish and EA so I don't have to bring him back in two months. He's on the phone for 10 min. I have 622, an upgraded smart card and HD. They won't put me on EA cause it's only for new customers. So I tell him to go ahead and put up second dish for 77. Wife pissed because now we have 3 dishes on the roof (including OTA) but now I have HD locals. Installer says signal strength is better with 1000.2 and wing for 77 than it is for 1000.4 and EA in Louisville. No mention of fee so I am hopeful I'm in the clear on this.
Good luck
A friend here in Louisville had a D500 and wing dish for 61.5. For HD locals, installer replaced 500 with 1000.2 and re-aimed wing dish to 77. Installer said existing customers not allowed to have 1000.4, what an asinine policy.
A friend here in Louisville had a D500 and wing dish for 61.5. For HD locals, installer replaced 500 with 1000.2 and re-aimed wing dish to 77. Installer said existing customers not allowed to have 1000.4, what an asinine policy.

I had a 1000.4 installed yesterday in Lexington. E* sub for 11 years. Didn't have to fight for it. Was a little worried about the installers though, was the second one they installed.

wbay green bay dropped from dish network

Problems with Channels on 110

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