Hey, new free speed upgrade =-)

I love having FIOS.... 20Mbits Upload 20 Mbits Download

Is it really 20/20? That is fantastic. I am a huge fan of matching download and upload speeds. This isn't 1995 where your Internet usage simply involves uploading web page and email download requests. This is 2008, an age of file sharing, security cameras, Slingbox, VPN, VoIP, video game play online, etc. It is very important to have not only a fast download, but a fast upload. I have actually had arguments with people on these message boards where the person actually said upload speeds were less important. Maybe in 1995, but not in 2008. As an active member in the technology workforce of 2008, I declare the importance of matching download/upload speeds.

In most Roadrunner using businesses, the true bottleneck is upload. Even with my virtual office home connection, I am only getting 20/2. 20/20 is excellent. You rule! Enjoy your 20/20 connection. I can certainly appreciate your satisfaction with that.
Is it really 20/20? That is fantastic. I am a huge fan of matching download and upload speeds. This isn't 1995 where your Internet usage simply involves uploading web page and email download requests. This is 2008, an age of file sharing, security cameras, Slingbox, VPN, VoIP, video game play online, etc. It is very important to have not only a fast download, but a fast upload. I have actually had arguments with people on these message boards where the person actually said upload speeds were less important. Maybe in 1995, but not in 2008. As an active member in the technology workforce of 2008, I declare the importance of matching download/upload speeds.

In most Roadrunner using businesses, the true bottleneck is upload. Even with my virtual office home connection, I am only getting 20/2. 20/20 is excellent. You rule! Enjoy your 20/20 connection. I can certainly appreciate your satisfaction with that.

That being said... my service is UP TO 20Mbit up and 20Mbits Down

But when I run those internet speed tests I always see at least 15Mbits down and at least 10-15Mbit Upload.

often times I see 20/20
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So, what speed can I legitimately expect to get with the turbo package?

It should be either 10/2, 15/2, 20/2 I do believe for residential accounts, depending on how it is bundled with other services like digital cable and phone. I have a virtual office account with a static IP and get 20/2. Speed tests show pretty close to that.

I am a reseller and it is very difficult for me to get a straight answer out of RR sometimes. I kept emailing and calling a certain contact for months and got no answer, or even a reply to my question. I continued to get 15/2 from my virtual office account and when they came out for a service call I asked the techs if I should be getting 20/2 with virtual office ultimate, the same way Turbo customers get. He said yes, but that I would need a new modem. So he switched out my modem with a different model that was provisioned for 20/2, set the static IP address and I was up and running getting 20/2. He told me the residential modems are able to get the faster speeds with their existing firmware, where as the old business modems didn't have a firmware yet that could handle the faster speed.

I think you should be getting one of those speeds, 10,15,20/2, depending on what you have bundled.
That being said... my service is UP TO 20Mbit up and 20Mbits Down

Hey, that is still good. We at RR are capped at 2 up. I would be happy with double or triple that as a starting point.... 4 up... yippy!

I think the biggest problem with your connection would be a slower or capped connection at the other end. A download of 20 for you is an upload for 20 at the other end. You'll get those speeds from big sites like Microsoft.com updates and maybe Youtube, but for file sharing and stuff with non-FIOS customers with your level of service will probably be capped.

Gosh, I wish I had your speeds :)

Someday we will all have 100/100 connections I think. But that could be 10 years.
Roadrunner central FL East Coast with "Turbo" service...guess I need to pay them even more.

Is your wireless network secured with at least WPA encryption? Maybe the neighbor kids are downloading porn over your wide open wireless connection and sucking up your bandwidth, haha..... that sucks pretty bad. Sorry.
Is your wireless network secured with at least WPA encryption? ....

Of course it is on WPA2, AES encryption, and with a LONG passphrase. This lousy service is AFTER an extra cost upgrade to turbo, which will go up substantially more after the one year promotion is over. I guess it brings up the question of just what it is they are promoting--pay us extra to get slow service?
Of course it is on WPA2, AES encryption, and with a LONG passphrase. This lousy service is AFTER an extra cost upgrade to turbo, which will go up substantially more after the one year promotion is over. I guess it brings up the question of just what it is they are promoting--pay us extra to get slow service?

I was just yanking your chain about the open wireless network. Yeah, I understand why you'd be ticked off at this situation. That blows.
Plug that computer into the network and not wireless and watch your speed come back up.. If your using the router supplied by BHN, that also explains alot. Those netgear routers are known to be slower than normal.

I went out in the field on thursday with an installer. We installed the phone/inet turbo combo. Did multiple tests. 2 out of the 5 tests came close to the 15 down, 1 actually had 20 down, and the other 2 were 10 down. All of these tests were done during prime time hours.

You cant base your inet connection on just one test.
If your using the router supplied by BHN, that also explains alot. Those netgear routers are known to be slower than normal.

You are right, the BHN supplied wireless routers are GARBAGE. You get what you pay for, and they are usually free.

You cant base your inet connection on just one test.

I doubt anybody here is basing their speeds on one test. Did they say they did one test?

Along with other speedtests that are out there, I suggest TWC Tampa RDC Bandwidth Speed Test for tampa customers
and TWC Tampa RDC Bandwidth Speed Test for orlando area customers

You can use either, but that is a starting point. Of course you should use speedtest.net and other familiar tests as well.
Just going by what I saw in the 4 pages of this thread. There were only 2 people that posted more than one test.

How many tests do you want to see here from each person? Do you want their entire college transcripts too?

They are just posting one test as evidence of their slow or fast speeds.
OK, Khandurian, here are my last tests before and after turbo, and statistics for all...

DL before:
last tests- 9710, 5832, 10890, 11126, 10411...
Median of 25: 10814
Average of 25: 10779

DL After turbo:
last tests- 11446, 11527, 10367, 11622, 9209, 7706
Median of 6: 10367 (6 is all I have post-turbo)
Average of 6: 10313
UL before:
479, 471, 476, 477...
Median of 25: 478
Average of 25: 474

UL after:
1481, 1506, 1208, 1488,1433, 1363
Median of 6: 1457 (6 is all I have post-turbo)
Average of 6: 1400

I think the single data point "problem" is dismissed.

I just don't see where turbo did much for my download. And while upload increased significantly, that alone is not worth the extra cost to me--an insignificant amount during the promotion period, but not after.
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Of course it is on WPA2, AES encryption, and with a LONG passphrase. This lousy service is AFTER an extra cost upgrade to turbo, which will go up substantially more after the one year promotion is over. I guess it brings up the question of just what it is they are promoting--pay us extra to get slow service?

glad to know i'm not the only one getting slow speed with turbo. yes, i'm on the one-year promotion but i am looking at alternatives. sunday's are the worse. my system crashed, at least, 6 times yesterday!!
DL After turbo:
last tests- 11446, 11527, 10367, 11622, 9209, 7706
Median of 6: 10367 (6 is all I have post-turbo)
Average of 6: 10313

I'll admit that sucks. Is this wireless or plugged directly into the router? I only ask because if you are using BHN wireless router, thats where your problem is.
I'll admit that sucks. Is this wireless or plugged directly into the router? I only ask because if you are using BHN wireless router, thats where your problem is.
It is wireless...BHN cable modem wire to personal Netgear router/access point, wireless to laptop. However, the speeds are similar on machines cabled to the router (not using wireless).
K, I might say also that I am concerned that somehow my modem may have been set for turbo on the DL side before I signed up for it on 9/10. I had problems back in Dec-Jan timeframe and tech was out. End result was a new cable modem, and I don't know what else he did.

Would REALLY stink if I decided to drop the promo after a year when it is up, and DL dropped back to 7's. I was above that before doing this.

Galaxy 25 Dead?


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