Warner announces extended HD DVD Support


On Double Secret Probation
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Apr 1, 2004
Newport News, VA
TG Daily - Warner extends HD DVD support

Burbank (CA) - Warner Home Video announced this week that it will continue to release titles on HD DVD for three weeks longer than it originally anticipated.

Earlier this month, Warner said that it is going to stop supporting HD DVD in May. However, it has now decided to push that deadline back a few weeks to be able to release more of its upcoming titles on both formats.

Despite Warner's Blu-ray exclusivity announcement, over a dozen Warner titles are still slated for release on HD DVD over the next four months. The extension of HD DVD support confirms that Twister and Bonnie & Clyde will come out on both formats instead of being Blu-ray exclusives.

Some other notable Warner titles that will still be released on both formats include Justice League: The New Frontier, I Am Legend, and August Rush.
Twister, the very first title on DVD that started it all will be the last Warner title on HD-DVD.

Think about this one for a minute. The company that thought they would do whats best for the consumer and go BluRay to end the war is going to release a few more movies on HD DVD to what end? To do whats best for the consumer? Or make even more money? Oh yeah they certainly didnt take any payoffs from SONY :rolleyes::rolleyes:
OR could it be that they already pressed the disks and they don't want to see them rot next to all those Atari cartages in Kansas.
We will have THIS discussion until July, when there will be no HD-DVD releases from Warner. Warner can see what their announcement has done to player sales and discs sales and announcing 3 more weeks of support will not turn back that tide.
Clearly this is only temporary while they ramp up their UMD support and ditch this silly HD stuff.

Hanging your hat on the post-warner player sales is like HDDVD people hanging their hat on the Transformers induced 51:49 ratio week and saying we've turned a corner.
The studio execs probably found out that they were already working on the HD-DVD releases (i.e. doing the encoding, special features and menus) for these movies and will allow them to be released rather than wasting the effort already put into them. Warner is a big company and they made the decision to cut off at the end of their HD-DVD contract date at the top level, but then the bottom reported status. I am pretty sure the work on the HD-DVDs would have started as soon as these movies were released to the theaters, if not sooner.

Warner never (to my knowledge) said they will stop selling HD-DVDs at the end of May. In fact I have yet to see a cutoff date announced. They just said an end to new releases. How long will they continue to press existing in demand titles and how much inventory will they have to restock stores is unknown.
Explain Warners thinking then, since they have stated that they just want to do whats best for the consumer? Its purely profit driven and proves they speaketh with forked tongue.
Im not saying it is not odd, but i dont read any further into it than that, and saying that they will "be back" is what I said, pure speculation.
Guys, it is just a small adjustment that obviously made business sense to them. But, Vurbano will take any crumbs he can find. Keep digging sir. Keep adding to this mountain of posts that ressurect your preferred format. We will move them all into the trash bin come this summer. Thought that it would just take a broom to clean it all up but it looks like we will need a full blown dump truck.
I could be simplifying this too much... but they announced they would be releasing all of their HD-DVD movies three weeks after the Blu-Ray counterparts, right? So they looked at the calendar and said "our last HD release is in May." Then later, they realized that if the last release was scheduled to be May XX (fill in the date), that would mean the last HD-DVD release would be three weeks later.....
We will have THIS discussion until July, when there will be no HD-DVD releases from Warner. Warner can see what their announcement has done to player sales and discs sales and announcing 3 more weeks of support will not turn back that tide.
Then why announce it considering their main reason for going BD was to stop comsumer confusion??? Anyone?
One side had to lose for HDM to have a shot at DVD supremacy. It happened to be HD - just accept it and move on.
Was the reason "avoiding consumer confusion" or a bag of money, doesn't matter anymore.
Short of a miracle, it is a one horse race now: Blu-ray. The questions are:
Can it take over DVD?
Do you want it to win?
Will you help (buy movie/players)?


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