So I've been tinkering with my antenna trying to keep the 43's (KMBD-LD) stable and without glitches. There were some issues with glitches but DTV America got those fixed (and rescanning fixed that too). But I learned something while trying this out
Bigger isnt always better
and higher isnt always better either
I remember in the analog days get a huge antenna and aim it as high as you can. Well with digital that is not always the case, I took my XG91 clone and put it as high on the pole as I could (which was probably 8-9 feet up) and the signal would crap out constantly. So I got mad and took it down and pretty much gave up.
So figured "I'll just slap up the 2 bay to get 23-4 (GetTV...which isnt on cable anymore)" so bolted it to the deck railing. When scanning I noticed that 43 came in BETTER on the 2 bay then what was on my giant XG91. Also 41 (KPXM Ion...which is about 80 degrees off the other stations) came in real good too. did some testing
Put the mast on the deck railing so it was up probably 9 1/2-10 feet. Put 2 bay on top of mast with booster. Signal was "eh" but not the best. 52-54 on the Tivo HD (scale of 100). But as I slid it down the mast the signal got better. I have the 2 bay resting on top of the deck railing and it went up to almost 70. Interesting. Put the XG91 in that same spot and got 81-83 on channel 43 but 41 crapped out (50's)..the 2 bay shows 90+ on Ion.
But I know my apartment complex might throw a hissy seeing a huge antenna hanging off the deck (and my neighbor if they looked out their window would see it too)
So right now I put the stubby mast and have the 2 bay resting on the deck railing and all the stations are working fine on the Tivo and the TV. This is mainly set up to record a few stations that are not on cable (Cozi, Laff, GetTV) and to view the subs on Ion like Qubo and IonLife.
So if you're having issues with a station, try moving it up and down the mast. The results might surprise you
(some pics...the 2 with the neutered VHF on top I might put back up. But NBC11 works fine on the 2 bay and FOX9 has a signal on UHF too. Buzzr is what I would miss on RF9 but its on cable)
Bigger isnt always better
and higher isnt always better either
I remember in the analog days get a huge antenna and aim it as high as you can. Well with digital that is not always the case, I took my XG91 clone and put it as high on the pole as I could (which was probably 8-9 feet up) and the signal would crap out constantly. So I got mad and took it down and pretty much gave up.
So figured "I'll just slap up the 2 bay to get 23-4 (GetTV...which isnt on cable anymore)" so bolted it to the deck railing. When scanning I noticed that 43 came in BETTER on the 2 bay then what was on my giant XG91. Also 41 (KPXM Ion...which is about 80 degrees off the other stations) came in real good too. did some testing
Put the mast on the deck railing so it was up probably 9 1/2-10 feet. Put 2 bay on top of mast with booster. Signal was "eh" but not the best. 52-54 on the Tivo HD (scale of 100). But as I slid it down the mast the signal got better. I have the 2 bay resting on top of the deck railing and it went up to almost 70. Interesting. Put the XG91 in that same spot and got 81-83 on channel 43 but 41 crapped out (50's)..the 2 bay shows 90+ on Ion.
But I know my apartment complex might throw a hissy seeing a huge antenna hanging off the deck (and my neighbor if they looked out their window would see it too)
So right now I put the stubby mast and have the 2 bay resting on the deck railing and all the stations are working fine on the Tivo and the TV. This is mainly set up to record a few stations that are not on cable (Cozi, Laff, GetTV) and to view the subs on Ion like Qubo and IonLife.
So if you're having issues with a station, try moving it up and down the mast. The results might surprise you
(some pics...the 2 with the neutered VHF on top I might put back up. But NBC11 works fine on the 2 bay and FOX9 has a signal on UHF too. Buzzr is what I would miss on RF9 but its on cable)